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September 2016

September 1 2016 (Tony Lam's Comments: I agree)

Leitch asks if immigrants should be screened for 'anti-Canadian values' - The Globe and Mail

September 1 2016

Many Canadians uneasy about temporary foreign workers: poll

September 1 2016

China's press, social media rave about ‘handsome’ Trudeau

September 1 2016

Trudeau Lectures China On Human Rights On Shanghai Stage

September 1 2016

Why did media leave THIS out of disruptive WestJet passenger stories?

September 1 2016

Why is Trudeau paying homage to THIS Marxist traitor on China visit?

September 2 2016

Ottawa to outsource electoral reform consultations to private firm for $250k

September 2 2016

‘Canada is back’ slogan a disgrace

September 3 2016

Son arrested after protecting mother from carjackers

September 3 2016

Toronto Star writer wants CNE Air Show abolished because it “traumatizes” refugees

September 3 2016

Trudeau mum on details of security priorities amid calls to ask China to stop violating international law

September 5 2016

Liberals refuse to provide evidence for alleged Islamophobic murders in 2015

September 6 2016

Justin Trudeau went to the China G20 meeting — and the grownups ignored him

Justin Trudeau earns nickname ‘little potato’ during trip to China

September 6 2016

Fake Claims of Hate Crimes by Prime Minister and Public Safety Minister

September 6 2016 (Tony Lam's Comments: Over 1 Million dollars, what a FARCE!!!!)

Mansbridge steps down, outrageous salary makes news

September 6 2016

McCallum: “More Syrian refugees are now ready to arrive in Canada”

Stupid things Trudeau says

We Found Out How Much the CBC Really Pays Mansbridge

September 7 2016

Canadian Gov’t Will no Longer Call Islamic State by its Name

September 7 2016

We Found Out How Much the CBC Really Pays Mansbridge

September 7 2016

Small potatos: All Justin Trudeau brought home from the China G20 was a nickname

September 8 2016

Justin Trudeau, style icon? Vanity Fair adds PM to International Best-Dressed List

September 8 2016

Is Justin Trudeau a fake feminist?

September 8 2016

Liberals used to love talking about “Canadian values”? Now they call that “racist”

September 10 2016

A racist behind every tree: That’s how our elites see Canada

September 10 2016

Testimony: “Giving birth has become a business” for Syrian refugees in Canada

September 11 2016

Trudeau, Ambrose commemorate 9/11 with no word on perpetrators and their ideology

September 11 2016

Trudeau blames ancient Romans for persecuting Christians in Egypt

September 12 2016

Trudeau implies that segregation of women is expression of diversity, strength

September 12 2016

Trudeau visits mosque with terror connections

September 12 2016

Canada: Trudeau government warns of returning jihadis even as he visits terror-linked mosque

September 12 2016 (Tony Lam's Comments: I agree with Leitch)

Values test for newcomers "dangerous," immigration minister says

September 12 2016

Cab driver heading to trial on sexual assault charges

September 13 2016

Canada Revenue Agency probes tax loopholes in real estate speculation Tax agency has stepped up its

September 13 2016

Extremists are getting younger: Canadian counter-terrorist police investigated minors as young as 13

September 13 2016

RCMP seek peace bond for Tevis Gonyou-McLean over terror concerns

September 13 2016

WATCH: Self-styled feminist Trudeau grilled for attending gender-segregated mosque

September 13 2016

‘Feminist’ Trudeau under attack for attending gender segregated event at Ottawa mosque

September 13 2016

Doug Ford belittles Justin Trudeau as a snowboard instructor and drama teacher

September 14 2016

Trudeau says Canada has no ‘core identity’

September 14 2016

Canada's feminist leader attends mosque event where men and woman are SEGREGATED

September 15 2016

Trudeau says Canadians can’t be ‘overly impatient’ with integration of immigrants

September 15 2016

Trudeau says be patient with immigrant integration

September 16 2016

Jane Philpott to repay $381 for border pass, suitcase

September 16 2016

John Ivison: Liberals’ electoral reform town halls are meaningless gatherings of ‘democra-geeks’

September 16 2016

Canada Has Spent More Than $17-Million to Protect Justin Trudeau

September 17 2016

John McCallum acknowledges internal Liberal debate on immigration file

September 17 2016

Pro jihad Imam recited the Quran at Alberta Legislature

September 17 2016


September 18 2016

Survivor of St. John’s sexual assault suing police and province for failing to warn public a predator was lurking

September 18 2016

To help the poorest, the world must fight sexism, Trudeau says

September 19 2016

Prime Minister announces significant support following UN meeting on refugees and migrants

September 19 2016

Trudeau pledges $64.5-million in humanitarian aid at UN conference

September 19 2016

Food bank users increasingly older, better educated

September 19 2016

Canada to partner with George Soros, UN on welcoming far more refugees

September 20 2016

Liberals accused of 'entitlement' over $1.1M in staff moving expenses

September 20 2016

Taxpayers on hook for $1.1M to move Liberal aides; top 10 expensed more than $50,000 each

September 20 2016

In first UN address, Trudeau decries politicians who exploit anxiety for personal gain

September 20 2016

Trudeau's lack of substance suits the UN perfectly

Federal Liberals spending millions on overtime for communications staff, documents reveal

September 21 2016

Sister of Robert Hall: Trudeau failed Canadian hostages

September 21 2016

Sister of Robert Hall: Trudeau failed Canadian hostages

September 21 2016

Justin Trudeau is now the most prominent and popular politician on the planet, Dion says

September 21 2016

Terry Glavin: Enough of the ‘Canada is back’ hogwash already, Trudeau is cozying up to China and Russia

September 21 2016

Leitch says Trudeau a ‘Canadian identity denier,’ but he’s pointed to ‘shared values, openness, respect’

September 22 2016

Kelly McParland: Liberal spending practices make Mike Duffy look like an amateur

September 22 2016

Senior PMO staffers Gerald Butts and Katie Telford to return $65K in 'unreasonable' moving expenses

September 22 2016

Offshore Leak Names Canada’s Finance Minister Bill Morneau

"No Life for a Child": A Roadmap to End Immigration Detention of Children and Family Separation

Maryam Monsef confirms she was born in Iran, not Afghanistan

September 23 2016

Michael Den Tandt: Liberals fall into entitlement trap with spending missteps

September 23 2016

Canadians’ views at odds with Liberal immigration plans, government poll shows

September 23 2016

Justin Trudeau's ultimate vanity project cost Canadians over $600K

September 23 2016

Trudeau insists_ “All provinces agreed that we need to price carbon pollution” – CIJNews English

September 23 2016

Trudeau insists: “All provinces agreed that we need to price carbon pollution”

John Ivison: Liberal's ‘pad-scam’ sees two more senior aides decide to pay back moving expenses

Julian Ovens - will repay $32,130 of the $119,825 he received for expenses.

Marques - he will repay $22,467 of the $103,997

In its first nine months in office, the Liberals expensed $1.1 million for political staff relocation costs, including $116,330 paid to three staffers in Catherine McKenna’s Environment office

September 23 2016

Two more senior Liberal aides to repay $55,000 in moving expenses - Politics - CBC NewsEndFragment

September 25 2016

Liberals keeping Harper target for health transfers: Philpott

September 25 2016

Liberals face rumblings of East Coast discontent a year after electoral sweep

September 25 2016

Prince George leaves Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau hanging in failed high-five

September 26 2016

EXPOSED: Liberal Immigration Minister hid cost of moving senior staffer from Thailand

September 26 2016

The public’s love affair with Trudeau is undiminished – less so, the media

September 26 2016

Maryam Monsef case highlights 'absurdity' of Canadian law, refugee lawyers say

September 26 2016

Yes, we should deport the families of terrorists

September 27 2016

John McCallum tells House his department did pay relocation expenses, after all

Maryam Monsef could be stripped of her citizenship without a hearing after revealing she was born in Iran

Free Islamic books in Toronto challenge Trudeau’s narrative on peaceful Islam

'‘We have guns’: Saskatchewan farmers take up arms after masked men enter land

'Every time I see it, I still get mad.' — Calgary's big blue ring turns three years old

September 28 2016

Cost of passengers’ food and drinks on Trudeau flights to Philippines, Turkey — $1,300 per person

September 28 2016

U of T professor attacks political correctness, says he refuses to use genderless pronouns

September 28 2016

WATCH Trudeau’s “Laurentian elite” response to Kenney’s Alberta job loss concern SHEILA GUNN

Former Peterborough MP knew years ago that Monsef's family was from Iran

September 29 2016 (Tony Lam's Comments: No to islam and its coverings)

Douglas Todd: The paradoxical world of Zunera Ishaq, the woman who changed Canadian political history

September 29 2016

Kelly McParland: Canada’s First Nations show signs of buyer’s remorse over Trudeau Liberals

September 29 2016

UPDATE: Media Party tries to spin Rebel’s report on refugee bullies at Fredericton school

September 29 2016

Man in Trudeau selfie linked to RCMP terror investigation

September 30 2016

Liberals spent $189K to figure out what Canadians think

September 30 2016

Justin Trudeau: Changing the Face of Canada Forever? | Clarion Project

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