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Eye on a Crazy Planet (blog): Taiwan viciously ridicules Justin Trudeau for sucking up to China for

November 11 2016

Prime Minister Trudeau had unpublicized fundraising reception with Richmondites

November 22 2016

Trudeau attended cash-for-access fundraiser with Chinese billionaires

November 23 2016

Justin Trudeau’s Alleged Pay-to-Play with Chinese Millionaire Raises Human Rights Concerns

November 25 2016

Trudeau defends fundraiser with Chinese businessman who later donated $200,000 to father's foundation

November 26 2016

Trudeau in hot water over “pay for play” but Clinton parallels don’t end there

December 2 2016

Influential Chinese-Canadians paying to attend private fundraisers with Trudeau

December 6 2016

Opposition parties urge federal watchdogs to probe Liberal fundraisers

December 7 2016

Despite questions about fundraisers, Trudeau insists Liberals acting ethically

December 8 2016

Michael Den Tandt: Trudeau faces a crippling erosion of his brand with pay-for-play fundraising

December 12 2016

John Ivison: Justin Trudeau admits to being lobbied at Liberal fundraisers

December 12 2016

Justin Trudeau admits he gets lobbied at so-called cash-for-access Liberal fundraisers

December 12 2016

Justin Trudeau has been lobbied at fundraisers, says donors haven’t influenced decisions

December 12 2016

Many think Trudeau can be bought

December 12 2016

PM admits he's lobbied at Liberal fundraisers but says no impact on decisions

December 12 2016

Trudeau says he’s lobbied, but not influenced, at Liberal fundraisers

December 13 2016

Justin Trudeau says he uses cash-for-access fundraisers to champion the middle class

December 14 2016

Meltdown: Justin Trudeau Defends Presence at Elite Fundraisers as Approval Plummets

December 14 2016

Money began to rain on Trudeau Foundation once Justin took over Liberals, analysis shows

December 14 2016

MUST SEE: The story of Justin Trudeau's Chinese fundraisers get the Taiwanese animation treatment

December 14 2016

(Tony Lam's Comments: I have saved a copy of this video also)

December 15 2016

Ethics Commissioner to question Trudeau on cash-for-access fundraisers

December 15 2016

Globe editorial: Justin Trudeau’s latest cash-for-access explanation is worse than the last

December 15 2016

Trudeaumania: Top Five Reasons Why Justin Trudeau Is an Intolerable POS

December 16 2016

Trudeau invited Liberal donors to official dinner for Chinese Premier

December 16 2016

PM defends fundraisers, blames media and opposition for arousing criticism

December 16 2016

The price Trudeau pays for failing to address cash-for-access scandal

December 22 2016

Cash-for-access organizers sought payments that exceeded federal contribution limits

December 29 2016

Trudeau’s Liberals were told donor was China graft suspect, but kept taking his money and help

January 3 2017

Even small gifts can buy political influence

April 7 2017

Trudeau attended cash-for-access fundraiser with Chinese billionaires

April 27 2017

PM no longer under investigation for cash-for-access fundraisers, but ethics commissioner won't say why

July 13 2017

Trudeau won’t recuse himself from hiring of new lobbying watchdog despite ongoing investigations | National Post

November 5 2017

Liberal fundraisers held family millions in offshore trust, leaked documents reveal

February 21 2019

McCall MacBain $928,000 gift to Trudeau family represents single largest bribery scandal in Canadian history

March 14 2019

Lobbyist For SNC-Lavalin Went To Exclusive Liberal ‘Cash-For-Access’ Events

An SNC-Lavalin lobbyist attended Liberal donor events, critics say it was cash-for-access

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