Elections Influenced By Foreign Interests
May 4 2017
Political activity audits of charities suspended by Liberals
May 16 2017
Joe Oliver: Canada's elections are already being infiltrated by foreign interests and, shockingly, it's all legal
May 23 2017
Senator Linda Frum
WATCH: Elections Commissioner admits unlimited foreign funds can be used to influence Canadian elections. Most Canadians would be alarmed to know that foreign countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and China can donate unlimited sums of money to change Canadian electoral outcomes. I plan to introduce legislation to close this outrageous loophole.
May 23 2017
New report alleges outside influence in Canada's 2015 federal election
May 23 2017
Millions in foreign funds spent in 2015 federal election to defeat Harper government, report alleges | National Post
May 24 2017
Globe editorial: Close the loophole for foreign money in Canadian elections
May 30 2017
Canada’s foreign election financing is finally getting addressed
December 13 2017
Terry Glavin: As Chinese money corrupts western politics, Trudeau's Liberals keep cashing in
March 6 2018
BLOCKED: Trudeau-Appointed Senators Are REFUSING To Pass A Bill That Bans Foreign Money In Canadian Elections
March 16 2018
Wynne Aid Co-Founded Powerful Foreign Funded Anti – Conservative Group
June 2 2018
LILLEY: Foreign-funded activist group helping Andrea Horwath's NDP http://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-foreign-funded-activist-group-helping-andrea-horwaths-ndp
November 22 2018
Feds refuse to disclose details of Russian meddling in Canadian elections https://calgarysun.com/news/national/feds-refuse-to-disclose-details-of-russian-meddling-in-canadian-elections/wcm/fdaeadc9-bfd5-4b03-8bdb-bc82a85ca783
January 1 2019

January 31 2019
Justin Trudeau’s 2015 Majority Government Win Looks Increasingly Illegitimate Due To Role Of Foreign Interference