September 2018
September 1 2018
Toronto police update fatal shooting marking 71st homicide of 2018
Q&A With Dark-Horse Toronto Mayoral Candidate Faith Goldy
MARIN: NAFTA talks need adult supervision
TKACHUK: Trudeau, not Trump, deserves our NAFTA ire
'8,000 jobs disappeared this morning, and one of them was mine'
Benefits should be revoked from convicted killers: Veterans' advocate
September 2 2018

Justin Trudeau Can’t Fight Against The Anti-Oil Radicals Because He Agrees With Them
WARMINGTON: Alarm sounded over murders in Peel
The Corbyn/Trudeau brotherhood
Man killed in shooting at Coronation Park; 4 suspects sought
Is the government listening to Canada’s businesses?

September 3 2018
Think it's hard to build big projects in Canada now? Wait till you see the Liberals' new bill
Muslim Court Canes Malaysian Women for Same-Sex Relationship
Justin Trudeau maintains that Japan is ‘inward looking’ and ‘not intolerant’ for its anti-immigration policy
No NAFTA deal is a bad NAFTA deal
Trudeau gave Kinder Morgan ‘a good problem to have’
September 4 2018

Former hostages Joshua Boyle and his American wife trade abuse accusations in child custody battle
HOSTAGE HELL: Wife accuses Joshua Boyle of abuse in captivity
No NAFTA without cultural exemption and a dispute settlement clause, Trudeau vows
Hypocrite Trudeau Gives $1.37 Billion To B.C. NDP Government Despite Pipeline Opposition, While Cutting Funds To Saskatchewan As Punishment For Opposing Carbon Tax
Liberals block Tory plans to set up Trans Mountain pipeline probe
Trial of Vice Admiral Mark Norman set to take place during 2019 federal election
CBC’s TV Ratings Are A Disaster
September 5 2018
NAFTA NO GO: Trudeau Says NO DEAL that Doesn’t Protect Canada's 'Culture and Identity'
Crescent Point Energy cuts 17% of workforce, plans to reduce debt by $1 billion
As Damage From Trudeau’s Failure Spreads, Suncor Energy Halts Crude Production Expansion
Suncor CEO Steve Williams said “There is clearly a question of confidence in Canada.”
MALCOLM: Trudeau's lack of seriousness is behind all these messes
VIDEO: Poilievre Demands Answers For Taxpayers After Trudeau’s Trans Mountain Failure
Trudeau’s no pipeline plan
U.S. military guns mailed in unlocked case to Toronto Bombardier facility
WARMINGTON: Ford talks trade with U.S. governors
“Shout out” from PM’s Office to Paramount Fine Foods raises ethics questions
September 6 2018
Justin Trudeau Says Bill C-69 Will Help Get Pipelines Approved. In Reality, It Will Be Devastating For Canada’s Energy Industry.
Here’s the evidence foreign investors are seriously avoiding Canada — despite Morneau’s denialism
POLL: Canadians Are Getting Fed Up With Endless Apologies For The Past
68% Of Canadians Want Face-Coverings Like The Niqab & Burka Banned In Public. So Why Doesn’t Any Political Party Represent That Point Of View?
Delusional Trudeau Tries Shifting His Trans Mountain Pipeline Failure To Stephen Harper
EXCLUSIVE: The Rebel reveals CBC secrets behind “Marketplace” stunt, “The Trump Effect”
David Staples: What the Federal Court of Appeal got wrong on the Trans Mountain pipeline decision

September 7 2018
Trudeau sets date to apologize for ‘absolute moral failure’ of turning away Jewish refugees
(Tony Lam's Comments: Same MSM in both countries)
When I challenge the president, I do it directly. My anonymous colleague should have, too.
Trudeau to pitch Canada’s work on development funding in bid for UN Security Council seat
B.C. tenants to see the highest rent increase in 15 years
'Horrific' human trafficking case shows why Canada needs a hotline, group says
EXCLUSIVE: Docs reveal “picky” migrants unsure about move to Canada
Bell: Jason Kenney skewers Justin Trudeau
WATCH: Justin Trudeau Said More Diversity Is “A Form Of Entropy.” Entropy Is Defined As “Lack Of Order Or Predictability; Gradual Decline Into Disorder”
Canada unexpectedly loses 51,600 jobs in August
Canada's ever-volatile labour report posts 'messy' results for August
Matthew de Grood ‘truly sorry’, families of victims express concern at annual hearing
Rex Murphy: Relax. Trudeau is busily solving our most urgent energy crisis: Gender
The Trudeau Liberals' on President Trump
UNBELIEVABLE: As NAFTA Negotiations Resume, Chrystia Freeland Headlines Event That Calls Donald Trump A “TYRANT”

September 8 2018
GOLDSTEIN: PM’s pipeline and climate polices have failed
International law does not guarantee citizenship to babies born in Canada, feds tell court
Canadian border agency has deported 398 ‘illegal migrants’ out of 32,000
September 9 2018

Dangerous Changes Coming to our Justice System
CBC stunned by foreign media view of Liberals’ NAFTA incompetence
VIOLENT CITY: Deadly toll of killing proactive policing
LILLEY: Not much ado about Trudeau

September 10 2018
Deportation halted because man’s gang tattoos could cause people to think he is in a gang
WARMINGTON: Widow marks the 9/11 death of her husband
Ibrahim Ali, 28, charged with first-degree murder of Burnaby teen Marrisa Shen
Christie Blatchford: Doug Ford has a point — he was elected; the judge was not
John Ivison: Liberals using MS St. Louis apology to prop up failing asylum-seeker policies is unconscionable
WATCH: Doug Ford Slams Ruling By Liberal-Appointed Judge, Says “I Was Elected. The Judge Was Appointed”
EDITORIAL: Courts need to stay away from public policy debates
AWFUL: Growing Outrage After Omar Alghabra Seemingly Tries Linking Canada Turning Away German Jews Fleeing Fascist Persecution In 1939 To People Illegally Entering Canada From The U.S.
WARMINGTON: Murder victim Rocco Scavetta a hero
Ontario Judge Uses 'Crickets' In Ruling To Strike Down Doug Ford's City Council Cuts
SICK: Judge Who Struck Down Doug Ford’s Bill 5 Is Same Judge Who Ruled Against Widow Who Wanted To Freeze Omar Khadr’s $10.5 Million Trudeau Payday

September 11 2018
Doug Ford’s Use Of Notwithstanding Clause Is Essential Pushback Against The Anti-Democratic Far-Left Elites
UNBELIEVABLE: As NAFTA Negotiations Resume, Chrystia Freeland Headlines Event That Calls Donald Trump A “TYRANT”

LILLEY: Ford makes right call to trigger notwithstanding clause

September 12 2018
Ottawa man ordered to surrender passport, keep away from ISIS
Freeland not returning immediately to Washington after briefing PM on NAFTA
Committee backs new sanctuary city policy for undocumented residents in Edmonton
John Ivison: Liberals eye potential electoral gains from 'taking on the tyrant' Trump
GOLDSTEIN: Liberal NAFTA strategy - Trump's a tyrant
Statement on Section 33: The Notwithstanding Clause I support Premier Ford because, notwithstanding Justice Belobaba’s erroneous decision, Bill 5 is a constitutional piece of legislation.
Canada Goose becomes “Bombardier” of luxury outerwear with $1.48M taxpayer subsidy
McKenna doubles down on carbon tax in Saskatchewan
Sask. Premier Scott Moe 'disappointed' after meeting federal cabinet ministers
Mexico Reiterates Willingness To Sign NAFTA Replacement Deal Without Canada
WARNING: Canada’s Lost Tax Advantage Over The U.S. Puts 635,000 Jobs In Danger
Stepping back to look ahead: why this outspoken parliamentary secretary volunteered to be demoted
Police ask for 'voluntary compliance' in clearing out Saanich homeless camp
Watch NDP MPPs bang on desks and get kicked out of Ontario legislature
Citing concerns, P.E.I. shutting down PNP's immigrant entrepreneur program
Trudeau gives $50K per family to migrants — but his staff hide that number from Canadians
BUSTED: Trudeau Liberal Minister Dominic LeBlanc Violated Conflict Of Interest Act
REPORT: Contrary To Trudeau Government Claims, Illegal Border Crossings Have Wrecked Canada’s Refugee System
Dominic LeBlanc broke conflict of interest rules by approving lucrative surf clam licence set to go to wife’s cousin
The Villain in the Trans Mountain Fiasco – and Other Fiascos since 2004 – is the Supreme Court of Canada
Toronto van attack survivors struggle to rebuild lives
Asylum-seeker surge at Quebec border choking Canada’s refugee system, data show

September 13 2018
LILLEY: Political left don't think elections matter
Trudeau backs Freeland’s participation in panel that included Trump with autocrats
LEVY: Council shows why it should be slashed
Another Trudeau cabinet minister breaks ethics law
Canadian company tried selling missile technology to Iran
MALCOLM: The B.C. murder and Trudeau's rushed refugee vetting
EDITORIAL: Bring back TAVIS and carding
LEVY: Council shows why it should be slashed
REPORT: The United States Is Now The World’s Largest Oil Producer
Justin Trudeau’s speech empties out a small gym in Saskatoon
DIVIDING CANADIANS: Justin Trudeau Called Conservatives “Disgusting” For Asking Questions About Government Ethics
EXCLUSIVE: Docs reveal Liberals prioritized hiring media “spin doctors” for Operation Syrian Refugee
Trudeau Was So Quick To Comment On The Hijab Hoax, Yet Remains Silent On Syrian Refugee Charged With Killing Burnaby Girl
Island community's extra fundraising brought man now charged with Burnaby murder to Canada
LILLEY: Political left don't think elections matter
Toronto terrorist leader is locked up, but was still on social media
WARMINGTON: Like it or not, Ford's won this round
Accused killer of B.C. teen described as new to Canada, 'normal guy'
Grand Bank mayor demands Trudeau drop LeBlanc from cabinet after surf clam flap
Trudeau not honouring $2.6B education promise, First Nations leaders say

September 14 2018
Ted Morton: Provinces demanded ‘notwithstanding’ powers for good reason. They should use them
REPORT: Kinder Morgan Is Seeking To Exit Canada Entirely
Trudeau Totally Fine With Freeland Headlining Panel That Called Trump A “Tyrant”
Kinder Morgan hires TD to sell Canadian business: sources
OECD criticizes Canada for cutting foreign aid
As His Failures Pile Up, Trudeau Wants To Run Against Western Canada & Trump
Christie Blatchford: The notwithstanding clause is nothing to freak out about
Canadian companies receive just $11,000 in duty relief in wake of trade dispute
Corbella: Bill C-69 is Trudeau's bookend to his father's disastrous NEP
FRUM: Fighting for what matters

September 15 2018
Rex Murphy: Shrinking Toronto's government won't bring our federation to its knees. Probably

Kevin O’Leary: Now is not the time — why I can't support Maxime Bernier's new party
Why aren't Canada's ethics rules keeping politicians out of trouble?
VIDEO: Woman In Hijab Throws Coffee On Canadians Protesting Murder Of Marrisa Shen
LILLEY: Trudeau NAFTA plan outsmarting Canadians out of jobs
NAFTA Talks Far 'Less Cordial' Than Freeland Letting On: Report
Canada-EU trade, one year on: Canada's imports are rising faster than exports
EXCLUSIVE: Trudeau Liberals leave $372M meant to help veterans unspent since taking office
September 17 2018
BONOKOSKI: Liberal MP Leona Alleslev slams Trudeau, crosses floor to Tories
Read the speech MP Leona Alleslev delivered before quitting the Liberals and crossing the floor to join the Tories
BONOKOSKI: Liberal MP Leona Alleslev slams Trudeau, crosses floor to Tories
'1 hour is not enough' Saskatchewan chief says of tense Trudeau meeting caught on video
BREAKING: “My Oath Is To Country, Not To Party.” Liberal MP Leona Alleslev Crosses Floor, Joins Scheer Conservatives
WATCH: Arrogant Elitist Trudeau Angry That Indigenous Leaders Wanted More Than A Quick Photo-Op
Federal Liberals violated own fundraising rules
WARMINGTON: Rules don't seem to apply to injection sites
September 18 2018
REPORT: The Royal Canadian Air Force Is Having Huge Recruiting Problems
Corbella: The enemies of Alberta's energy industry are running the province
Five asylum-seeking families welcomed by Chatham-Kent
September 19 2018

WARMINGTON: ISIS names Danforth attack its signature event
The Tar Sands Campaign: >400 Payments via Tides to 100 Organizations in Canada, USA & Europe
Toronto Danforth shooter stood over woman and shot her 4 times, unsealed warrants show
NDP tax increases adding up for B.C. residents: study
More than half of Quebec asylum seekers had some kind of ‘legal status’ in U.S. before crossing to Canada
EXCLUSIVE: Veterans denied service dogs despite gov’t report showing ‘significant’ reduction in PTSD
Tories slam 'back door gun registry,' e-petition collects tens of thousands of signatures
September 20 2018
Toronto Danforth shooter arrested and released two days before mass shooting: police docs

OLIVER: (Not)withstanding judicial overreach is healthy for democracy
LILLEY: White House not amused with Freeland's 'Tyrant' antics
Rate of denials for summer jobs funding higher in Conservative ridings
Alleged Crips associate released on bail
BIAS: Trudeau Government Disproportionately Rejecting Canada Summer Jobs Applications In Conservative Areas
September 21 2018
Bell: Trudeau lets Notley down again on Trans Mountain
Rex Murphy: The Green Energy Act is dead. Let that be a warning to green politicians
NP View: The Liberals' 'consultation' with Canadians about banning handguns is pointless pretending
Conservatives demand end to Veterans Affairs' support for convicted murderer
Failure to launch: Inside Julie Payette's turbulent first year as Governor General
Trudeau's India trip cost more than the government first disclosed
Youth-run gang reportedly ‘terrorizing’ Brockville community
September 22 2018

Ontario’s Liberals admit they lied for years
September 23 2018
Veterans minister likens leaving $372M unspent to getting credit back for prepaid gas
WARMINGTON: Victim Danielle Kane forgives Danforth gunman
September 24 2018
Kelly McParland: Has the world grown tired of Canada's super prime minister?
Exclusive: MP Leona Alleslev: Why I crossed the floor to the Conservatives
John Ivison: A sign the government is looking for an off-ramp for the governor general?
Bill Blair says he ‘misspoke’ on asylum seeker deportations
September 25 2018
Lack of apology to Shen family reveals Trudeau’s “selective” empathy
MP drops F-bomb in Commons, accuses Trudeau of not caring about Indigenous rights
Terri-Lynne McClintic, killer of eight-year-old Tori Stafford, sent to aboriginal healing lodge, victim’s family says
Canadian government & media lied about Toronto shooting
September 26 2018
Liberals defend giving vets benefits to a murder, who is not a vet
Terence Corcoran: Forget firing the CBC’s far-left ideologues. Just unfund it
Canadian MP says Trudeau 'doesn't give a fuck' about indigenous rights
September 27 2018
PROOF : Climate ‘Scientists’ And The Media Openly Lie About Climate Change To Maintain Funding And Keep Global Warming Hysteria Alive
EDITORIAL: Sorry, Mr. Trudeau, but socialism sucks
MPs vote to revoke Aung San Suu Kyi's honorary Canadian citizenship
Rex Murphy: The most obvious creeps in the Kavanaugh circus are the journalists
MALCOLM: Trudeau's become more of a joke on the world stage
September 28 2018
Why Does The Trudeau Government Always Side With Criminals?
MALCOLM: Kavanaugh more about politics than truth and justice
Rex Murphy: The most obvious creeps in the Kavanaugh circus are the journalists
Caught on cam: Assassination attempt at YVR
September 29 2018
Freeland postpones UN speech amid NAFTA talks and looming deadline
LETTER: Conservative MP calling out Liberals on gun legislation
The downside of legalization: More potheads
September 30 2018
“Carry the Light”…of Hate. Coming Soon to Toronto