Justin Trudeau’s top adviser Gerald Butts resigns amid SNC-Lavalin affair AND RETURNS
February 18 2019
Justin Trudeau’s top adviser Gerald Butts resigns amid SNC-Lavalin affair
Gerald Butts, Trudeau's principal secretary, resigns amid SNC-Lavalin furor
Gerald Butts resigns as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's principal secretary

February 19 2019
GUNTER: Don't expect Butts' signature policies to leave with the man
February 22 2019
February 25 2019
Butts entitled to severance despite resigning from PMO
February 26 2019
Gerald Butts still denies responsibility for a bigger scandal: Ontario’s 'green energy' catastrophe
March 5 2019
May 7 2019
Gerald Butts has a new job: Former Trudeau adviser to help advise companies on climate change risks
July 20 2019
Butts returns - and Trudeau's putting the band back together for October
GOLDSTEIN: The political resurrection of Gerald Butts
Gerald Butts is back helping the Liberals plan for the federal election: source
July 21 2019
KINSELLA: Liberals deserve a swift kick in the Butts
Butts returns to Trudeau fold

July 22 2019
Liberals gamble that bringing Gerald Butts back for election campaign is worth reviving SNC-Lavalin scandal
August 2 2019 Comments attributed to Gerald Butts an 'attack' on Indian government: Scheer https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/comments-attributed-to-gerald-butts-an-attack-on-indian-government-scheer
August 12 2019 Some Liberal MPs ‘happy’ with Butts’ return, others concerned he could be a liability for Grits’ re-election campaign https://www.hilltimes.com/2019/08/12/some-liberal-mps-happy-with-butts-return-but-others-concerned-this-could-give-fresh-ammunition-to-the-opposition-parties-on-snc-lavalin-controversy/211202
October 8 2019
Disgraced Trudeau advisor spreads misinformation about Conservatives https://www.thepostmillennial.com/disgraced-trudeau-advisor-spreads-misinformation-about-conservatives/
October 16 2019
Jodi Butts' nomination to board of pot company Aphria could be worth $300,000