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August 2019

August 1 2019

Canada’s largest newspaper gets $115,000 a week from Trudeau government

GOLDSTEIN: Taxes — do we get what we pay for?

LAWTON: Trudeau says no to wedge politics. Really?

Federal Liberals still failing people of Grassy Narrows

August 2 2019

Comments attributed to Gerald Butts an 'attack' on Indian government: Scheer

Iqaluit homeless stay in shacks, under overturned boats amid housing crisis

Father stabbed to death confronting group of men breaking into cars

Canadian lab's shipment of Ebola, Henipah viruses to China raises questions

There Have Been 7 Shootings In A Midtown Toronto Neighbourhood In The Last 2 Weeks

KNIGHT: Liberal racism dog whistles are disgusting

Average Canadian family spent more on taxes in 2018 than basic necessities

Rex Murphy: There's no hypocrite like a rich, jet-setting anti-global-warming one

August 3 2019

August 4 2019

Canada’s marijuana laws are all about Trudeau’s hipster legacy

‘Since the end of December we have not sold a single vessel’: Canadian farmers continue to struggle with China’s ban on exports

Trudeau supports Pride Parade's decision to ban UBC, library

Women still struggling to make RCMP's elite Emergency Response Team

August 5 2019

DESPICABLE: Liberals FALSELY Claim Cancer Survivor Who Spoke To Scheer About Healthcare Is An ‘Actor’

Trudeau kept 'back pocket' G7 summit statement to guard against Trump

EDITORIAL: Trudeau says he’s a uniter, not a divider

August 6 2019

Weekend of gun violence in Toronto results in 17 shot, mayor seeks federal help

'VERY BOTHERSOME': Weekend shootings concern top cop

Karina Gould, The Liberal Cabinet Minister Who Wants To Control Social Media, Is Spreading Misinformation On Social Media

My Family Has Been Threatened by Racists. Why Should They Outgun Me?

17 people shot during violent weekend in Toronto

August 7 2019

Cannabis NB blames $2.2M first-quarter loss on illegal dispensaries

Karina Gould Is Now Canada’s ‘Minister Of Disinformation’

KINSELLA: Trudeau ad actually a load of hooey

FUREY: A rare example of actual fake news in Canadian electoral politics

Does Newfoundland Have A Gang Problem? Canadian Government Funds $1.8 Million To Fight It

N.L. premier says Trudeau committed to mitigating Muskrat Falls power rates


August 8 2019

LAWTON: The Left wants your guns

U.S. extradition postponed for Edmonton cousin of ISIS recruits

Man Who Stabbed Canadian Soldiers & Wrote “I Have A Licence To Kill,” Approved For Day Passes To Visit Toronto

Joe Peschisolido, B.C. Liberal MP, Faces Investigation From Ethics Watchdog

Bio-warfare experts question why Canada was sending lethal viruses to China

August 9 2019

“You suck!”: Trudeau gets booed before announcing seamen race

NDP forced to apologize to former UCP candidate for inaccurate news release

MANDEL: South American thieves flock to GTA, stay as refugees when nabbed

Mainstream media one of the sources of misinformation in Canada, reveals major report

John Ivison: For 18 Liberal MPs, the love affair with politics is over

Chrystia Freeland praises ‘two brave Canadians’ detained in China since December

MANDEL: South American thieves flock to GTA, stay as refugees when nabbed

Canadian government not considering retaliation against Saudis, says Morneau

This Strange Video Of Justin Trudeau Casually Walking Through Montreal Is Mesmerizing And We Don't Know Why

Around 326 people charged with firearms offences in Toronto out on bail, says police chief

August 10 2019

Liberal MP Anita Vandenbeld Broke Ethics Rules Promoting Husband’s Ottawa City Council Bid: Watchdog

Liberal immigration minister suggests that Conservatives “dance with white supremacists”

Majority of Canadians feel that the country is doing worse under Justin Trudeau

COUNTERPOINTS: Barking up the wrong tree on gun violence

MALCOLM: Illegal border crossings in Canada? Yes, it's still happening

Liberals trigger ‘national electoral urgency’ clause that allows party to bypass nomination rules, 10 weeks from election

Some Liberal MPs ‘happy’ with Butts’ return, others concerned he could be a liability for Grits’ re-election campaign

One Million Dollar Immigration Lawsuit Filed Against Trudeau, MP Ahmed Hussen

August 11 2019

Ontario minister says feds ‘haven’t lived up to their end of the bargain’ on funding for asylum seekers

Mainstream media one of the sources of misinformation in Canada, reveals major report

New debate commission excludes Maxime Bernier from participating in official election debates — for now

August 13 2019

Proposed new drug regulations will hurt all Canadians — and Ottawa has been warned

Trudeau’s Shameful Gambit: Smearing Conservative Opponents as Neo-Nazis

'Significant and clear' threat: What Canada's spy chief says about China behind closed doors

Infrastructure money 'not Ralph Goodale's re-election fund:' Moe

Toronto Woman Filmed Yelling Racial Slurs And Spitting At People Is Now Facing Charges

August 14 2019 EDITORIAL: Stain only an election will wash away

B.C. drivers pay almost $2,000 in auto insurance per year

Posthaste: Canada Goose results leave investors cold, profit warning for banks and German recession fears fuel market mayhem

Police chiefs say handgun ban won't stop flow of weapons into Canada

Liberal MP Adam Vaughan deletes tweet, apologizes after linking Ford cuts with kids in cages

From surf clams to limousines, a not-so-comprehensive list of Liberal ethics complaints under Trudeau

August 15 2019

Chrystia Freeland says she has '100%' confidence in Justin Trudeau

August 16 2019

Dairy farmers to receive $1.75B to offset losses from trade deals

Liberals announce sole-source deal for new armoured vehicles will cost $3 billion — double the original estimate

Conrad Black: It's now extraordinarily hard to argue Trudeau deserves re-election

City of Saskatoon loses $1 million to fraudster posing as executive

Government contractor seeks review of security clearance loss after $195M lawsuit launched

August 17 2019

'What they did was noble': Soldiers who died in Afghanistan remembered at re-dedication of memorial

WATCH: Scheer confronts Trudeau face to face, says “Stop lying to Canadians”

UPDATE: It appears Canadian media fell for a viral political hoax

2019 Has Been Full Of Canadian Store Closures

August 18 2019

Father of ‘Jihadi Jack’ vows to keep lobbying Canada to help after U.K. removes citizenship

'Naïve and dangerous': Conservatives blast Liberal policy after U.K. strips 'Jihadi Jack's' citizenship

Chinese Embassy tells Canada to stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs

Elections Canada warns environment groups that calling climate change real could be considered partisan

Canada 'disappointed' by British decision on Jihadi Jack

August 19 2019

Equalization is part of the 'original deal,' and Quebec will fight to keep it, says premier Legault

Who's winning federal contracts in Ottawa-Gatineau?

August 20 2019

Dear Justin Trudeau: ISIS terrorists must be stripped of Canadian citizenship

Rich Canadians are getting out of paying taxes with 'estate freezes' — and the CRA endorses it

Setting the record straight on the benefits, and heavy costs, of immigration to Canada

Illegal tobacco in Richmond, Metro Vancouver costing B.C. over $400,000

August 21 2019

Federal agency writes off balance of two multimillion-dollar loans to Irving company

​Steel industry says ‘hundreds of thousands’ of Canadian jobs lost with Ottawa’s LNG exemptions

CORRECTION - The Liberal Government Hands $42 Billion in Construction Projects to China at Expense of Canadians

Justin Trudeau Just Promised $50,000,000 For Montreal To Build Its Giant New Park

GOLDSTEIN: Media union won't stop attacking Andrew Scheer

LILLEY: Remember what 'Jihadi Jack' has said - and believe him

August 22 2019

Justin Trudeau: the rise and fall of a political brand

LILLEY: Really? $40 million for new signs at parks?

Trudeau springs a nasty surprise on many Canadian employers

Kelly McParland: Trudeau talked the talk, but he's failed miserably in the walk

Liberal MP found guilty by ethics commissioner voted against having him testify in parliament

August 23 2019

LILLEY: Cameras for crooks are good, but let's fix the bail problem

Federal government provides $100,000 for Calgary Pride festival

Rex Murphy: Who else would have the empathy to interrogate our feminist PM?

NP View: The election debates should reflect all of Canada

Chris Selley: Goodale's same-sex-marriage gambit is staggeringly arrogant and hypocritical

LILLEY: Trudeau needs to call the election now

China would benefit most from billion-dollar, 700-km highway through Canadian Arctic, critics say

August 24 2019

MALCOLM: Canada is losing the battle in dealing with illegal migrants

Laval MP Eva Nassif 'pushed out' by Liberal Party, riding president says

KINSELLA: Prime ministers can't pick and choose which Canadians they represent

Canadian Institute Of Steel Construction Rips Liberal Government For Handing “$42 BILLION In Construction Projects To China At Expense Of Canadians”

GANG GUNFIGHT: Frustration mounts as gunmen fire at will in North York

Police Chief slams possible handgun ban, calls it “naive”

Alberta canola farmers replace China with drought-stricken European market

Sporting gun advocacy group says recreational weapons are economic drivers

August 26 2019

Federal government quietly writes off loan — but won't reveal sum or say who got it

August 27 2019

Ontario teachers will have to score at least 70% on math tests: memo

Far-left Canadian Labour Congress now helps decide who becomes a permanent Canadian resident

Government forgives millions in loans for company owned by billionaire

August 28 2019 LILLEY: Change the way we teach math in schools

Winnipeg police seize backpack full of guns in Spence-area bust

Quebec to receive $250M from Ottawa for asylum seekers

LILLEY: Trudeau is spending your cash to get your vote

Air Canada Just Paid An Ontario Couple $21,000 For Violating Their Language Rights

Justin Trudeau MUZZLES Christian Non-Profit “Campaign Life Coalition”

LILLEY: Trudeau is spending your cash to get your vote

August 29 2019

Chris Selley: Trudeau's mea culpa over his electoral reform debacle is truly mind boggling

Jack Mintz: Actually, evidence shows ‘diversity’ makes countries weaker — not stronger

SCOOP: Trudeau’s best friend Gerald Butts is in the centre of another ethics scandal, involving hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars

OLIVER: Beware of endless deficits, especially now

Air Canada ordered to pay French-speaking couple $21K over language violations

August 30 2019

UNIFOR Under Two Separate Investigations for Election Law Violations

Trudeau spotted at supermarket and popular BC burger chain (PHOTOS)

Trudeau hikes North Vancouver's Grouse Grind

Babysitter Alleges Gender Discrimination In Multiple Human Rights Complaints

WATCH: Trudeau Totally Dodges Question On Why He’s Using Communist China Steel Instead Of Canadian Steel

EXCLUSIVE: Liberals give $2.65B to “combat climate change in the developing world” — here's exactly where it's going

Trudeau makes surprise stops at Metro Vancouver grocery store, White Spot

Federal spending rises by more than 10 per cent over first quarter

6 things to know about Trudeau's First-Time Home Buyer Incentive

August 31 2019

Former Canadian Prime Minister Apologizes After Tweeting She Hoped Hurricane Dorian Would Strike Mar-a-Lago

GOLDSTEIN: Andrew Scheer on the rights of LGBTQ2 Canadians

Wynne aides received enhanced severance packages days after Liberals lost election

Jamie Bulger killer Jon Venables 'to be freed within days and given money to move to Canada because it is cheaper than giving him a new life in Britain'

Guest opinion: More Liberal promises Canadians can't bank on

Trudeau government forgives $7.4 million loan for multi-billion-dollar Irving family

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