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Trudeau affirms Quebec’s right to ‘test’ new immigrants but won’t comment on the ‘values’ part

Tony Lam's Comments: So let me get this straight.

If you do a google search for "Kellie Leitch Affirmation" you get negative reporting from the MSM. But when Trudeau agrees that Quebec is ok to add a values test. Hallelujah. Praise the one true ruler.

When Trudeau added a values test for the Summer Jobs Grants the media reacted the same way. Nothing to see here move along.

The left are hypocrites. If the left didn't have double standards they would have no standards.

October 11 2019

Trudeau affirms Quebec’s right to ‘test’ new immigrants but won’t comment on the ‘values’ part

October 12 2019

EXCUSE HIS FRENCH: Trudeau says immigration values test A-okay in Quebec, open border a problem

October 18 2019

The mainstream media’s reaction to a values test for newcomers

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