Catherine McKenna Climate Barbie Page 3 - 2019 Post Election
Climate Barbie will be around for another few years so we had to make another page. The info on her is very long.
March 29 2018
The Stunning Statistical Fraud Behind The Global Warming Scare
June 26 2018
Trans Mountain Pipeline Sale To Feds Netted Kinder Morgan A 637% Return: Report
January 11 2019
Smith: Let's celebrate that Canada is likely a 'net zero' polluter

October 22 2019
Husky Energy layoffs underway in downtown Calgary
EDITORIAL: Trudeau’s job one is pipelines
PPC votes appear to have cost the CPC some seats, but former Tory strategist isn’t sure
October 23 2019
Vancouver Island teen spearheads climate lawsuit against Canadian government
Wildfire that threatened Alberta communities was arson: RCMP, province
BONOKOSKI: A pipeline to Hudson Bay never looked so good
Why the federal carbon tax won’t work to reduce emissions
Bell: Alberta enraged, separatist talk, Kenney vs. Trudeau
Wildfire that threatened Alberta communities was arson: RCMP, province
Husky Energy announces layoffs, many in Calgary
October 24 2019
Alberta budget introduces $1.3-billion in cuts, elimination of 2,000 public sector jobs
Youth to sue Canadian government for climate change harms, discrimination
Husky CEO says layoffs weren't due to Liberals winning election, calls social media chatter 'B.S.'
Why the federal carbon tax won’t work to reduce emissions
October 25 2019
BREAKING: Doug Ford will challenge Trudeau’s carbon tax
New machine invented in Israel turns air into water
October 26 2019
Climate change freight train accelerating, the bridge is out, and Lord of the Flies children calling the shots. Nothing to do but enjoy the scenery until the climate masterplan blows sky high
GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau’s hot-air climate hypocrisy
MALCOLM: Trudeau carbon tax a plague on overtaxed Canadians
October 27 2019
Forestry crisis has B.C. town hanging by a thread
Miner Teck Resources reports Q3 profit down, plans to cut 500 full-time jobs
WATCH: Canadian Professor Lost Her Job for Telling the Truth About ‘Endangered’ Polar Bears
October 28 2019
Californians created their current apocalypse
'It's the smart thing to do': Canadian oil driller moves all its rigs to the U.S.
October 29 2019
LILLEY: Carbon tax fight needs to keep going
China’s Rivers Are the Major Source of Plastic Entering the Oceans
October 30 2019
GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau will keep pretending his carbon tax works - it doesn't
October 31 2019
Encana moving to the U.S., changing name as Canada becomes a dirty word in the oilpatch

Calgary-based Encana plans to move base to U.S., change name
Encana founder Gwyn Morgan blames 'disastrous' Trudeau policies for Newfield deal, shift to U.S. focus
'This is a tragedy for Canada': Fear and dismay as Encana chooses U.S. as its new home
Jason Kenney says Liberal energy policies to blame for Encana’s move to U.S.
A storied history: Born out of fire and explosion, Encana's roots tied to Canadian Pacific Railway's western push in the 1880s
GUNTER: No surprise Encana leaving Alberta after Trudeau's anti-oil government re-elected
Why a pipeline fight with Quebec may be looming
Posthaste: End of En(ergy)Cana(da) — why one of Canada's oldest oil and natural gas producer is moving to the U.S.
Alberta wildfires Trudeau blamed on climate change caused by arson
November 1 2019
EDITORIAL: The Encana mess is at Trudeau’s feet
Either Canadians or foreign countries will profit from oil—who do you pick?
In photos: Under a thick blanket of smog, New Delhi declares health emergency
Encana doesn’t want to be Canadian anymore, and Trudeau shrugs
LILLEY: Trudeau fiddles while Prairies burn
November 2 2019

November 4 2019
BLOC HEAD: Blanchet suggests oil development costs Quebec billions despite receiving billions from Alberta annually
Why would anyone hate Catherine McKenna?
(Tony Lam's Comments: Because she is a hypocrite)
Gwyn Morgan: Trudeau has turned Canada's most economically important industry into a pariah
'NOT GOING EXTINCT': Court documents claim Canadian polar bear population is thriving
William Watson: Killing pipelines will kill equalization. The left knows that, right?
There's a tragedy unfolding in the oilpatch, but Ottawa doesn't even seem to get it
Diane Francis: Alberta needs a new deal, fast, or separation is inevitable
November 5 2019
LEVY: Is a climate tax in the cards for Torontonians?
Alberta Oilfield worker living in Ontario feeling overwhelmed
GUNTER: Trudeau ramps up his Kiss Alberta Goodbye strategy
Two proposed LNG projects will serve as a testing ground for Trudeau’s controversial Bill C-69
November 6 2019
Calgary-based Houston Oil & Gas ceases operations, leaving almost 1,300 wells needing cleanup
Organizers of climate-emergency declaration verifying names after 'Micky Mouse' turns up as signatory
Terence Corcoran: The West doesn't need Quebec to get its oil flowing East. There is another way
Alberta Energy Company Houston Oil & Gas Shuts Down
Let's tell the whole truth about 'average' global temperature rises
November 7 2019
Earth's Mantle and Crust Are in a Fiery Battle to the Death … of Supercontinents
Climate crisis: 11,000 scientists warn of ‘untold suffering’
11,000 'scientists' warn of 'untold suffering' from climate change: Meet the Canadians who made the list!
Scientists’ petition on climate crisis blocked over fake signatories
‘Mickey Mouse’ scratched from 11,000 scientists declaring global climate crisis
November 8 2019
Struggling oil and gas industry to blame for cuts, closures at Edmonton truck dealership, president says
Alberta will be one of the coldest places on earth this weekend
Tolko to permanently shut down operations at Kelowna mill
The Dirty Secret of Coal Exports from the Port of Vancouver
November 9 2019
GUNTER: The futility of carbon offsets
November 11 2019
(Tony Lam's Comments: Then why is Trudeau bringing every 3rd world family into Canada with their 5 kids?)
You’re reducing your carbon footprint all wrong: The merits of one less child
November 13 2019
Posthaste: Oilpatch not the only ones struggling as insolvencies climb for first time in almost 20 years
Joe Oliver: Building pipelines will combat climate change and enrich the Canadian economy
Premier Jason Kenney vows to fight for slumping oilpatch, responds to Quebec criticism
November 14 2019
Province's growth plan includes increasing Sask. population and oil production, new overseas trade offices
November 15 2019
We need to stop pretending the Paris Agreement will fix the 'climate crisis'
Pipeline protesters block trucks headed for Burnaby tank farm
November 16 2019 GUNTER: The numbers show our green obsession is hurting Canada
November 19 2019
Monte Solberg: Quebec is as much an oil state as Alberta — they just let others produce it
Trans Mountain received $320M in government subsidies in 2019, report finds
REPORT: McKenna Out As Environment Minister
November 20 2019
China Set for Massive Coal Expansion in Threat to Climate Goals
Williams: Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?
November 20 2019
New Posting
Jonathan Wilkinson: Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Will Continue on "Climate Ken's Page"