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Jonathan Wilkinson Climate Ken Page 3

Jonathan Wilkinson Climate Ken Page 2

May 5 2020

Without pipelines, Alberta oil shipped through Panama Canal

May 6 2020

Green Party, Bloc Quebecois ask Trudeau to kill oil industry

May 7 2020

David Staples: Green activists finally admit that green power is polluting and inefficient

BREAKING: Trudeau has 'greater, greener goals' for Alberta's oil economy, says province must 'innovate'

May 8 2020

Rex Murphy: Only the Greens and separatists could find 'opportunity' in a pandemic

May 9 2020

Special Report: Environmentalist Credentials of Trudeau's Ministers & Staff

May 11 2020

Trudeau says businesses who do not fight climate change will not get new support money

May 12 2020

The easiest route across Canada? The Panama Canal

May 13 2020

Greta Thunberg added to CNN’s expert coronavirus panel, Twitter erupts

May 15 2020

Ozone layer deal may have led to new contaminant problem, researchers say

Rex Murphy – Was it code?: The PM's bizarre announcement on the carbon tax hike

May 19 2020

World to Canada: You’re raising your carbon tax during a global pandemic?

May 21 2020

Carbon tax part two: the Clean Fuel Standard

Joe Oliver: Canada intent on worsening urgent fiscal problem with increasingly lonely climate change battle

Elizabeth May is wrong about oil and gas

Commentary: Myths and facts about energy subsidies in Canada

May 27 2020

Trudeau government pays to fly 144 people to UN climate conference

May 29 2020

Butts is Back to Have Canada “Build Back Better” (Part 2)

May 29 2020

Rex Murphy: Newfoundland's SOS falls on deliberately deaf ears

May 31 2020 PHOTO: Elitist Liberal Ministers Refuse To Work In Parliament, But They Have Time For Kayaking

June 5 2020

June 12 2020

Bell: Hey Trudeau, where's the Alberta oilpatch help?

June 13 2020

Canada Pension Plan touts climate leadership while investing millions in Chinese coal

June 15 2020

McKenna's Enviro office expensed more than $100,000 on Ottawa taxis

June 16 2020

Trudeau's former environment minister spent over $100,000 on Ubers, rideshares

June 17 2020

Catherine McKenna racked up over $100,000 in taxi fares while environment minister

June 19 2020

Facing spending attacks, federal minister Catherine McKenna doubles down on 'social infrastructure' aims

June 24 2020

China has 250 GW of coal-fired power under development - study

June 29 2020

Environment minister to let municipalities dump raw sewage into waterways until 2040

July 2 2020

Supreme Court dismisses Indigenous appeal of Trans Mountain approval

July 3 2020

Trudeau's buddy Gerry Butts wants Facebook to censor your climate change posts

July 4 2020

July 5 2020

CAUGHT ON TAPE: The radical left's plan to reshape Canadian society

July 27 2020

Environmental law group seeks to stop Alberta’s inquiry into who funds oil critics

July 29 2020

Total writes off $9.3B in oilsands assets, cancels Canadian oil lobby membership

July 31 2020

Liberals paid $10.5 million for climate change studies that were never written

The Kielburgers are green hypocrites too

August 2 2020

The Dirty Secrets Of ‘Clean’ Electric Vehicles

August 6 2020

Trudeau Liberals give $1M a year to WWF to undermine oil and gas industry

August 10 2020

Arctic sea ice could be completely gone by 2035, new study predicts

And blast from the past.

September 17 2012

Arctic expert predicts final collapse of sea ice within four years

August 11 2020

Ottawa police investigating invective-laced verbal assault aimed at MP Catherine McKenna

August 17 2020

California Gov. Gavin Newsom: Time to ‘Sober Up’ About Green Energy’s Flaws

August 20 2020

China Readies for Record-Breaking U.S. Oil Haul in September

August 21 2020

Smith: Build Back Better really means an end to Alberta's fossil fuel future

August 22 2020

Mining group, once a key backer of Bill C-69, now has 'deteriorating confidence' in new project assessment regime

August 24 2020


August 25 2020

Gregory John: First Nations don't oppose energy projects

August 27 20202

Saskatchewan building rare earth processing plant, capitalizing on emerging industry

August 28 2020

Rex Murphy: Trudeau's 'brutal' attempt to use COVID to push his green agenda

Rex Murphy: The folly of green economics

September 2 2020

Liberals to unveil ‘ambitious green agenda’ in throne speech, Trudeau says

September 3 2020

EDITORIAL: Trudeau's green dream will end in disaster

September 7 2020 The dirty secret behind your ‘green’ electric car

September 9 2020

BC’s carbon tax failed to reduce emissions: Department of Environment report

September 10 2020

GOLDSTEIN: O'Toole matches Trudeau's absurd climate promise

Millions More In Tidal Power

September 12 2020

SIMS: B.C. emissions up despite highest carbon tax

September 15 2020

Trudeau government imported $19 BILLION in foreign oil last year

September 16 2020

The Liberals pledged 2 billion trees over 10 years, but none planted yet

September 17 2020

Trudeau plastics ban may violate USMCA and hinder pandemic response: Industry groups

LILLEY: Butts bends Trudeau's ear with green dreams

Trudeau government promises Greta Thunberg two billion trees, plants zero

September 21 2020

Activists block railway tracks in East Vancouver, demand end to pipeline project

Canadian oil company has planted 11 million more trees than Trudeau government

September 23 2020

Kelly Ogle: A 'northern corridor' to put Canada back on the map

September 25 2020

Feds write cheque for $320M to support workers, lower emissions for N.L.'s struggling offshore

September 26 2020

WATCH: Trudeau cabinet minister ate dog meat, attended illegal cockfight in Indonesia

GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau doubles down on 32 years of failed climate policies

Trump approves Alberta-Alaska rail line project; line would move oil, other resources

September 28 2020

Trans Mountain expansion workforce tops 5,600, critics question project timeline

September 30 2020

Affordable energy group warns Liberal renewable plan would raise heating costs by 60%

October 1 2020

Liberals' Clean Fuel Standard to increase home heating costs: Advocacy group

October 5 2020

North Atlantic oil refinery in Come By Chance could close permanently

October 7 2020

David Staples: Yet another Trudeau fuel tax will mean 22 cents per litre carbon tax at the pumps

Liberals' 2021 single-use plastic ban includes grocery bags, takeout containers

Opinion: The Liberals are becoming a climate cult

Canada accounts for 0.4% of worldwide ocean plastic pollution: report

'It's not toxic': Plastics industry says federal government 'defamatory' with description of its products

October 8 2020

MOULTON: Trudeau’s carbon tax is fake environmental policy

October 9 2020

Conrad Black: Justin Trudeau's co-ordinated assault on Canadian energy

B.C. gives Pacific BioEnergy green light to log rare inland rainforest for wood pellets

October 10 2020

EDITORIAL: Ready for a $300 carbon tax?

October 11 2020

For years, oil ensured Canada's healthy trade balance. Now that's changing — with major consequences

October 14 2020

Delingpole: Study Confirms Donald Trump Is Right – ‘Clean’ Energy Is the Worst

‘Clean Energy’ Is Dirtier, More Expensive And Destructive Of The Environment

October 16 2020

5 arrested after standing in way of Trans Mountain pipeline construction in B.C. Interior

Raymond J. de Souza: We can finally admit that plastic recycling has been a sham all along

October 20 2020

GOLDSTEIN: Carbon taxes have been a massive failure, Fraser report study finds

Canada's carbon pricing is a failure, says new report

GM to invest $2-billion to build electric vehicles in Tennessee

October 23 2020

Alberta government will lift measures limiting oil production as of December

Here’s where to find every wind turbine in Canada

Okanagan snowstorm breaks 120-year-old record for most snow in October

McKenna's claim of more tornadoes in Canada 'not clear': Meteorologist

October 25 2020

Cenovus to buy Husky Energy in all-stock deal worth $23.6 billion

GOLDSTEIN: Biden's climate plan as dangerous as Trudeau's

Power shut off in California as winds, fire danger increase

October 26 2020

Diane Francis: Cenovus-Husky deal another sign of the deliberate stranding and sabotage of Canada's oilpatch

Suncor to move its Toronto-area offices to Calgary next year

October 27 2020

Gwyn Morgan: Liberals’ plan to replace fossil fuel with wind and solar is technically impossible and economically disastrous

Trudeau’s plan to ban single-use plastics is an unworkable, feel-good fantasy

October 28 2020

Kitchener council calls on province to phase out gas-fired power production

October 29 2020

Drilling forecast calls for even fewer Canadian oil and gas wells in ‘bleak’ 2021

October 30 2020

Alberta Defies Trudeau With Grant Offers to Petrochemical Firms

Jack M. Mintz: The Cenovus takeover of Husky is a sign of weakness in the oilpatch, not strength

November 6 2020

EDITORIAL: Liberals mum on hiking carbon taxes

Food emissions could push Earth past global warming limits (STFC comment: fake news from communist television CTV)

November 7 2020

Canada not on track to hit 1st electric vehicle target by 2025

EDITORIAL: Biden could damage our energy sector

November 8 2020

$672 billion: The energy sector’s revenues to Canadian governments 2000–2018

November 10 2020

Battle to save Keystone XL from Biden cancellation underway\

CLEMENT: A plastics ban will only make the pandemic consumer pinch worse

November 12 2020

Liberals set to miss 2020 emission targets by up to 99.2%

November 17 2020

Vancouver City Council approves planning for road tolls into downtown and Central Broadway

November 19 2020

Trudeau unveils new net-zero emissions plan to meet climate change targets

November 21 2020

GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau misleads Canadians about his new climate bill

November 26 2020

British coal plants fired up to meet temporary electricity shortfall

Feds to keep more bureaucrats at home, overhaul property portfolio to get to 'net zero' emissions

As Canadian and U.S. oil producers slash investment, OPEC members double-down on spending

Bjorn Lomborg: The electric car won’t get us very far

December 2 2020

GOLDSTEIN: Trump trumps Trudeau in reducing greenhouse gases

December 3 2020

Government quietly made 'back door' agreement with U.S. that could undermine treaty on plastic waste

December 4 2020

American pipeline opponents charged with terrorism after tampering with railway

December 8 2020

Poilievre wants Bill C-69 and Bill C-48 repealed to unleash energy sector

December 10 2020

As Ottawa prepares to unveil its Clean Fuel Standard, industry warns of refinery shutdowns

The U.N. Says America Is Already Cutting So Much Carbon It Doesn’t Need The Paris Climate Accord

December 11 2020

The carbon tax is going up. Here’s how much more you could pay at the pumps

WARMINGTON: Communist Chinese troops observed military exercises on Canadian soil

Liberals pitch $15-billion in new spending, hike carbon tax to pass 2030 emissions goals

Ottawa to hike federal carbon tax to $170 a tonne by 2030

Doug Ford “floored” by incoming federal carbon tax hike

GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau 'Great Reset' is to break his promise on carbon taxes

EDITORIAL: Trudeau’s troubling climate evangelism

December 12 2020

LILLEY: Trudeau breaks a promise with massive carbon tax hike

GOLDSTEIN: UN climate report reveals goals of Trudeau's 'Great Reset'

LILLEY: Trudeau's carbon tax and climate change are his true religion

John Ivison: Liberals' climate plan comes with too much of the messianic message

KINSELLA: Time for Trudeau to stop treating China's president with deference

December 14 2020

Ottawa announces $3.16 billion to plant two billion trees over the next decade

Trudeau’s Endless Carbon Tax Hikes Are A Continued Attack On Working Class Canadians

240% Carbon Tax Hike After Vow Of “No Secret Agenda”

SIMS: The carbon tax is unaffordable

John Ivison: Rising carbon tax is part of 'death by a thousand cuts' for Canada's farmers

December 16 2020

Learn the science before you follow it: Fact-checking Justin Trudeau on climate change


Top tech firms sued over DR Congo cobalt mining deaths

December 17 2020

Randall Denley: Quebec's exemption from Trudeau's carbon tax will come at Ontario's expense

December 18 2020

Trudeau’s 566% carbon tax increase – who can afford this?

December 19 2020

Opinion: Alberta must unite in opposition to the crippling Liberal carbon tax hike

December 21 2020

New Canadian fuel regulations 'extremely cruel,' gas advocate says

GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau's second carbon tax will increase energy poverty: Report

December 22 2020

OPINION | Bridging the electricity gap between Alberta and B.C. makes perfect climate sense

December 31 2020

Toyota CEO Agrees With Elon Musk: We Don't Have Enough Electricity to Electrify All the Cars


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