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Last Updated  : February 16 2025 -  1200 PST


If you encounter a broken link.  Contact me and I will fix it.

Try our new forum for extended information.  


We at Stand Together For Canada would like to give a shout out to these fine fellows who generously donated.  

One-Time Donation:

Alan McCaskill $25

Vince Pehar $60



- All Covid Data - 

Covid data is not changing weekly as it once was. Therefore we will not waste time updating it.

You can check the data out for yourself if interested.

Known mRNA Covid Side Effects - 


This used to be updated weekly. Unless something major changes we won't be updating it anymore.


BC Gas.

March 4 2022  When gas hit $2

Gas 62% of price.
Taxes 38% of price.

Areas is $2.009 

62% of $2.009 is $1.14 Actual Cost

38% of $2.009 is $0.76 Added Taxes

If we go all electric. How will they make up the fuel $? They will tax your KM usage!!!!!

April 3 2024 - BC Gas cost breakdown 

34.4% - Crude Oil

20.8% - Refinery Margin

04.8% - Retail Margin

08.9% - Translink

08.7% - BC LCFS

08.5% - Carbon Tax

04.8% - GST

04.8% - Federal Excise Tax

03.2% - BC TFA

If our Government didn't use gas as a cash cow.

In BC gas price based on $2.08 per litre minus taxes would actually be $1.27 per litre.

BC's carbon tax has gone up over 218% since 2011

2011 BC

5% HST

5.56 cents per litre BC Carbon Tax

10% per litre Federal Excise Tax

14.5% per litre Provincial Gas Tax

2011 5.56 cents per litre on 1.31  

2024 17.68 cents per litre on 2.08


Simple Online Gasoline Calculator

GAS Buddy


Trudeau's Itinerary Year To Date 2021

12% Non Media Meetings

25% Personal Days

21% PhotoOp/Media

28% Private Meetings

03% QP/HOC

11% Campaigning

From Aug 15/21 Writ Dropped to Sep 21/21. 

No official data available.


Flew 54 Times 2021 not including campaigning.

Trudeau's Itinerary Year To Date 2022

11% Non Media Meetings

23% Personal Days

38% PhotoOp/Media

24% Private Meetings

04% QP/HOC

Flying 160 Times

QP/HOC 43/129

Trudeau's Itinerary Year To Date 2023

08% Non Media Meetings

23% Personal Days

44% PhotoOp/Media

20% Private Meetings

04% QP/HOC

Flying 200 Times

"JT burns carbon so we don't have to"

QP/HOC 44/130

Days Out Of Canada 54

Salary Gross $379600 Estimate

Trudeau's Itinerary Year to Date 2024

(JT changed "private meetings" to "no events scheduled" which we will now count as "personal days")

14% Non Media Meetings

33% Personal Days

49% PhotoOp/Media

04% QP/HOC

Flying 189 Times

"JT burns carbon so we don't have to"

QP/HOC 39/124

Days Out Of Canada 35

Salary Gross $406199

List of international prime ministerial trips made by Justin Trudeau

Out of 366 days.  JT has been in front of the camera 178 times.  Running the country not so much.

Trudeau's Itinerary Up To February 15 2025

(JT changed "private meetings" to "no events scheduled" which we will now count as "personal days")

31% Non Media Meetings

36% Personal Days

33% PhotoOp/Media

00% QP/HOC

QP/HOC 000/122 

Prorogue of Parliament Missed Sessions 015/122

Flying 021 Times

"JT burns carbon so we don't have to"

Days Out Of Canada 010

Salary Gross $51192

List of international prime ministerial trips made by Justin Trudeau

Out of 046/365 days.  JT has been in front of the camera 015 times.  Running the country not so much.


Canada Dictator @justintrudeau DEFICIT In Billions

2014-2015 - 1.834
2015-2016 - (17.484)
2016-2017 - (27.969)
2017-2018 - (9.464)
2018-2019 - (13.363)
2019-2020 - (43.907)
2020-2021 - (325.043)
2021-2022 - (84.428)
2022-2023 - (66.150)
2023-2024 - (61.9)
2024-2025 - Yet to be determined

Total REVENUE taken in by YEAR. In $Billions

2015-2016 - 292,608
2016-2017 - 290,868
2017-2018 - 311,216
2018-2019 - 332,218
2019-2020 - 334,131
2020-2021 - 316,446
2021-2022 - 413,277
2022-2023 - 447,815
2023-2024 - 459,549

2024 - 2025 - Yet to be determined


Child care $30 BILLION over 5 years

Drug Coverage up to $40 BILLION a year

National School Food program 1 Billion over 5 years

Youth Mental Health 500 MILLION

2.4 Billion for AI (Skynet)

- Dental care $13 BILLION over 5 years​

- Private Members' Business M-62 (Federal dental care plan) @justintrudeau voted down NDP Dental Plan Bill 2021


June 9 2024 - January 1 2031 = 2405 Days

Divide by 3.87 million.

They need to build 1609 homes a day to meet their target by January 1 2031.

June 13 2024 - UPDATED: PBO releases carbon tax data — $20 billion annual hit to Canadian economy

9 Years of Trudeau

Government operation with 3 times the people you need at 5 times the cost.

Record foodbank use 
Record homelessness 
Record violent crime 
Record drug use 
Record corruption and scandals 
Record debt 
Record debt servicing 
Record illegal aliens 

This is the legacy of the Trudeau Liberals


Table Of Contents:

Best Viewed In Desktop Mode.

Globe & Mail, Blacklocks, Rebel Media, Epoch Times and Western Standard articles are behind paywalls. Included for reference.

Sometimes using "incognito mode" will allow you to view the article.

Canadian Government Information

Keeping Tabs On Parliament OPENPARLIAMENT.CA

- Canada's House Of Commons

- Canada House Of Commons Question Period - Videos

- Stats Canada

- Office Of The Parliamentary Budget Officer

- Canada's Debt Clock by

- Explained: Government Debt

- Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982

- Who backs Canada's Politicians? Follow The Money Here

- CBSA Custom Tariffs 2016

- BC Business Top 100

- BC Land Title And Survey

- Newcomer entrepreneur

- Canadian Government Travel Advisories

- Canadian Citizenship Guide

- Political “Left” and “Right” Properly Defined

- Importing and Exporting Firearms, Weapons and Devices Memorandum D19-13-2

- Commissioner of Canada Elections Charges/Outcomes

- - Public Works and Government Services Canada

- Search Government Contracts over $10,000

- Grants and Contributions

- COVID-19: Travel, quarantine and borders

- Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms

- Canada Employed Persons

- Police-reported crime severity indexes, 1999 to 2023

- China’s Corporate Social Credit System: How businesses can prepare

- Canada Diagnostic Centres

- Key statistics on Canada’s charity and non-profit sector

- Search Government Travel Expenses

- Currently Listed Terrorist Entities

- Experimental estimates for business openings and closures for Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, seasonally adjusted1, 2

- Demographics of Canada

- Section 2(c) – Freedom of peaceful assembly

- 8.1.3 What taxes you pay

- Leading causes of death, total population, by age group

- Operation UNIFIER

- Privy Council Office

- Prime Minister announces mandatory vaccination for the federal workforce and federally regulated transportation sectors

- Government of Canada to require vaccination of federal workforce and federally regulated transportation sector

- - Prime Minister announces mandatory vaccination for the federal workforce and federally regulated transportation sectors

- B.C. Public Sector Salaries Database: See how much public servants make

- Income Explorer, 2021 Census

- 2021–22 Estimates

- Justin Trudeau Ethics Breaches

- 1969 White Paper

- Insolvency Statistics in Canada

- Insolvency Statistics in Canada — 2021

- BC Your driving record

- BC Search Traffic/Criminal By Participant Name

- Canada’s ban on certain harmful single-use plastics

- The Canadian census: A rich portrait of the country's religious and ethnocultural diversity

- Bill C-238 (Historical) An Act to amend the Criminal Code (possession of unlawfully imported firearms)

- Vote #41 on January 27th, 2021 - C-238 An Act to amend the Criminal Code (possession of unlawfully imported firearms)

- Examination of Gender Diverse Offenders

- Ontario Driver's Licence Check

- BC Land Transparency Registry

- A Distributional Analysis of Federal Carbon Pricing under A Healthy Environment and A Healthy Economy

- Multiple jobholders, 1976 to 2021

- Canada’s climate finance for developing countries

- Greenhouse gas emissions

- Provincial and Territorial Energy Profiles – Canada


- Population of the Federal Public Service

- Reductions in life expectancy directly associated with COVID-19 in 2020

- First Home Savings Account (FHSA)

- Canada Dental Benefit

- Comparison Age and Gender Pyramid

- Annex I — Constitutionality of the Canadian Armed Forces COVID-19 vaccination policy

- Health Canada updates Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine labels to include information on myocarditis and pericarditis

- National health expenditure trends, 2022 — Snapshot

- Understanding Systems: The 2021 report of the National Advisory Council on Poverty

- Supporting millions of Canadians with the rising cost of groceries

- The federal government is about to drop a grocery rebate to help with high food prices. Here’s who is eligible.

- Federal government Travel Advisories

- Homicide in Canada, 2021

- Section 33 – Notwithstanding clause

- Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Public Registry Home

- Public Order Emergency Commission

- Public Order Emergency Commission FINAL REPORT February 17 2023


- National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians Annual Report 2019

- "Special Rapporteur": David Johnston

- Smart Sustainable Cities for the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and the New Urban Agenda in selected countries in the UNECE Region

- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

- Canadian Members of the World Economic Forum

- WEF Search results for 'Canadian members'

- WEF Leadership and Governance

- WEF New Generation Leaders

- WEF Young Global Leaders

- From Entrepreneurs to Scientists: Meet the 2022 Class of Young Global Leaders

- Known Traveller Digital Identity (KTDI) prototype

- Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

- Balance of international payments, flows of Canadian direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in Canada, quarterly (x 1,000,000)

- Manufacturing and supply agreement between Pfizer Canada ULC and Canada - OCtober 26 2020

- Costing Support for EV Battery Manufacturing

- Here’s the Average CPP Benefit at Age 65

- Welcome to the Office of the Conflict Of Interest and Ethics Commissioner


- Indemnities, Salaries and Allowances

- Parlinfo - People

- Subsection 56(1) class exemption for adults in the province of British Columbia to possess small amounts of opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA

- Indexing rate – Retired members – Pension

- BC Practitioner & Professional Resources - Medical

- Elections Canada Online "Disinformation" Tool (we will check for accuracy periodically)

- Canada's population clock (real-time model)

- Making a public complaint against an RCMP member

- Firearms and violent crime in Canada, 2022

- Federal Government Registry of Lobbyists

- 2024 Reports of the Auditor General of Canada to the Parliament of Canada - ArriveCan


- First Nations Financial Transparency Act (FNFTA) Search


- Operation UNIFIER

- The Introduction and Evolution of Child Benefits in Canada

- Fiscal Reference Tables

- Population of the federal public service by department

- Individual Tax Statistics by Tax Bracket 2023 Edition (2021 tax year)

- The Canada Pension Plan enhancement – Businesses, individuals, and self-employed: what it means for you

- Evaluation of Canada Student Loan Program

- Wildfire Graphs

- Inflation Calculator

- Parliament Of Canada - Publication Search

- Canadian Armed Forces Pay Scale

- Correctional services statistics: Interactive dashboard

- Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2023

- CBC Corrections and clarifications

​- Local Journalism Initiative

- Canada Periodical Fund

- Section 3: Transfer payments - Department Of Canadian Heritage

- Salary ranges and maximum performance pay for Governor in Council appointees


- Economic, humanitarian and development assistance, and security and stabilization support – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Since January 2022 - $12.4 Billion given away.

- Global Affairs Canada’s 2024–25 Departmental plan at a glance

- Canada-Afghanistan relations (totals not added to Monies Given Away Page)

- Statement by ministers Joly, Hussen and Miller on third year since fall of Kabul, Afghanistan

- Firearms and violent crime in Canada, 2022, Release January 30 2024

- The Government of Canada launches Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate

- BILL C-63 - An Act to enact the Online Harms Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Human Rights Act and An Act respecting the mandatory reporting of Internet child pornography by persons who provide an Internet service and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts

​- Distributions of household economic accounts for income, consumption, saving and wealth of Canadian households, second quarter 2024

- A Distributional Analysis of the Federal Fuel Charge – Update

- Bill C-63 (44-1) The Online Harms Act: Establishment of a Digital Safety Commission, Ombudsperson and Office

- Government of Canada commits to purchase carbon dioxide removal services to green government operations and achieve net-zero emissions

​- Public Inquiry Into Foreign Intereference Institutional Report - RCMP

- Changing Narratives Fund

- C-65 - An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act

- Canada’s $2.65 Billion International Climate Finance Commitment

- Refugee protection claims

- Equalization Program


- Grants and Contributions

- International assistance projects funded by Global Affairs Canada

- Fuel Charge Rates


Relevant 3rd Party Articles and Videos

- Contributions to the CPP—comparing provinces
- UPDATE: A map of the 83 churches that have been vandalized or burned since the residential schools announcement
- Andy Lee - One White Girl's Political Opinion
- Torches And Pitchforks -USA/Canada Blog
- Julius Ruechel Blog
- The Religion Of Peace - Tracking Muslim Jihadist Attacks Since 9/11
- Jihad Watch by Robert Spencer
- Paul Young cpa, cga. -
- Convoy Reports by Rebel News
- Is Fascism Right Or Left?
- Creative Containers Lodging
- Web
- Homeless Hub
- Get Awake Crowdsourcing the Narrative
- Food Banks Canada
- Salvation Army Donate
- BBB Scam Tracker Canadian Risk Report
- It’s time to end the sedition in Ottawa by enforcing the law and following the money by Mark Carney
- The Dictator and the Truckers: A True Canadian Folk Tale
- The Dictator and the Truckers: A Grim Sequel
- Combined text only Re-printed without Permission - The Dictator and the Truckers
- The convoy crisis in Ottawa: A timeline of key events
- 15-10 Concealed Or Open Carry
- What’s the right credit score to buy a house in Canada?
- What Universities Don't Tell International Students In Canada. Big Investigation
- Top 5 reasons not to move to Canada | Why Canada is broken
- Top 10 Reasons NOT to Move to Canada
- Trudeau 'N' Friends
- Extensive Hunter Biden laptop archive with nearly 10,000 photos published on new website
- Inconvenient Truth: 32 Climate Predictions Proven False | Facts Matter
- The Aga Khan Network - He is a billionaire
- How The Prime Minister Stole Freedom
- Vaccine Definition NEW
- Vaccine Definition PREVIOUS
- Vaccine Definition Before And After
- What's in a Measles Vaccine?
- Convention on Cluster Munitions
- Jordan Peterson debate on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism
- Patrick Moore: Should We Celebrate Carbon Dioxide?
- Pastor Artur Pawlowski
- Stephen Moore: The malignant narcissism of Justin Trudeau
- Tamara Lich Trial - Tamara Lich has been charged with mischief, obstructing police and counselling others to commit mischief and intimidation. Rebel News is on the ground in Ottawa covering every minute of Tamara's trial.
- National Citizens Inquiry Commissioners Report
- Prime Ministers and Government Spending: 2023 Edition
- Per Person Federal Program Spending Since World War Two
- The Hamas Covenant
- A Document of General Principles & Policies HAMAS
- COP : - IEA - Shaping a secure and sustainable energy future
- 10 Key Passages of the Emergencies Act decision that all Canadians should read
- Gen. Rick Hillier: Stories of those who pay the price of our freedom must be told
- Twenty-four facts for 2024 that reflect Trudeau’s Canada
- IMF DATA Access To Macroeconomic & Financial Data - Canada
​- The World's Biggest Submarine Fleets
- What Has The Trudeau Government Built?
- The Wisdom Of Thomas Sowell
- Forsaken Warriors: How Trudeau Broke Canada's Military | FULL MOVIE
- Opinion: It's official — Trudeau has now literally doubled down on debt
- What we know about the two Canadian influencers accused of Russian propaganda
​- United Nations - Handbook on Carbon Taxation for Developing Countries
- 91% Of Lithium For Lithium-Ion Batteries Comes From Three Countries
- WEF brags that over $100 billion was taken via carbon taxes last year
- Liberals paid WEF for report justifying climate change policies
- The Great Unravelling — Why Democracy Failed, and How to Fix It.
- Taxpayer 2024 - Naughty & Nice List
- ​Records show feds paid $369K to silence critics during COVID
- Chrystia Freeland Hand Written Notes From 2022 saved by Tamara Lich
- Trudeau has resigned, but his persecution of Canadians continues (saved)
- About Veterans Association Food Bank
​- Canada CRA Tax Deadline 2025 and Important Dates


My Op-Eds

- Famous Quotes
- First Nations Transparency Act
- Canada's Foreign Aid
October 19 2015 to present - $104,925,664,293 Given Away
- Monies Given To UN and Foreign Countries To Date
- Monies Given To UN and Foreign Countries To Date - Part 2
- The United Nations: Aga Khan’s Throne (Part I: Money Laundering) (included for reference. not verified by us)
- The Waste Report
- Liberals to run $??? B deficit in 2021 with economy poised for stomach-churning plunge: PBO
- SNC Lavalin Scandal
- Dominion Voting Systems Voting System Documentation
- Vaccine safety and possible side effects
Terrorism Compiled
- Terrorism in Canada: A timeline of plots, attacks, and allegations
Trudeau Quotes
- Trudeau Scandals
- Everyone Who Disagrees With Me
- Private Members Bill : M-103
- Private Members Bill : M-103 Part 2
- Climate Barbie - Climate Ken - Climate Steve - Combined Links On One Page
- Justin Trudeau The Groper
- July 4 2017 - Trudeau and Liberals Do A FU to USA - Khadr
- Why The Supreme Court Erred On Khadr!
- Murder Of Marrisa Shen By Syrian Refugee
- Trudeau The Clown
- The road to Canada's COVID-19 outbreak: timeline of federal government failure
- Timeline of the 2020 Canadian pipeline and railway protests
- Canadian Political/Public Health advice during the great pandemic of 2020
- Why We Call @JustinTrudeau a Dictator
- Mass Shootings And Why Our Country Is In Decline
- Why "Climate Change" Is The Greatest Scam Of Our Time
- Canada is Broken
- Zexi Li - Chinese Activist Leading Lawsuit Against Trucker Convoy
- ArriveCan App
- Carbon Tax - Fiscal Reference Tables


Google News - Canada
Google News - USA
Google News - World


Firearms Ban - Hasn't stopped one single shooting since implemented

2015 -2024 - Gun violence has surged 116% under Trudeau.

BILL C-21 - Firearms
- May 1 2020 - Banned the so-called “military-grade assault weapons” using an order-in-council (OIC)
- May 30 2022 - People can no longer buy, sell, or transfer handguns within Canada – and they cannot bring newly acquired handguns into the country using an order-in-council (OIC) 
- May 18 2023 - Liberal gun control legislation passes House of Commons
- March 22 2024 - Senator Don Plett Inquiry - $41,904,556 spent on gun buyback program. Employing 75 people as of September 29 2023
- June 1 2024 - Poilievre vows to reverse all of Trudeau’s laws attacking legal gun owners
- September 18 2024 - Senator Don Plett Inquiry - $11,500,000 spent on gun confiscation "consultants,' but won't release their names​
- September 20 2024 - Federal firearm buyback program has cost $67M since 2020, still hasn't collected guns​
- November 23 2024 - Taxpayer bill for Trudeau’s gun buyback to surpass $100 million in 2025​
- December 5 2024 - Liberals ban hundreds more types of firearms, look to send prohibited guns to Ukraine
​- December 15 2024 - Gage Haubrich: The gun ban is not working, Trudeau already knows this
- February 4 2025 - @MarkGerretsen Just Said The Quiet Part Out Loud


April 16 - 30 2025

April 1 - 15 2025

March 16 - 31 2025

March 1 - 15 2025

- Poilievre pledges to restore ‘promise of Canada’ in campaign-style speech
- Suspects Sought After Attempted Jewelry Store Robbery - Grimsby
- Multiple suspects arrested; weapons, fentanyl, other items seized in drug bust: OPP
- Man back in hospital after stealing truck, escaping on police snowmobile: RCMP
- Suspect of biggest gold heist in Canada worth $20 million tracked — living in Chandigarh outskirts helping family’s business
- Simran Preet Panesar, wanted in Canada's largest gold heist, found living quietly around Chandigarh
- Inside job

- Canadian troops moved out of eastern Congo city amid escalating violence
- Quebec EV company Lion Electric made big promises, but struggled to deliver
- Man in hospital after being stabbed in the back in Mississauga: paramedics
- ‘BB-style long gun’ pointed at snow plow driver: London police
- Peter Tertzakian: There’s a fortune to be made in Canada—if only we’d seize the opportunity
- ‘Canada... they can go to hell’: Why Nigeria is angry with Canada
- Lorne Gunter: Edmonton public spaces bylaw focused on fantasy, ignores safety
- RCMP make ‘largest seizure’ of drugs and cash in NWT history
- 'Every province has to have their own rules': How interprovincial trade barriers are impacting Edmonton local businesses
- Alcohol is about to get more expensive in Canada
- Police investigating jewelry store robbery in Etobicoke
- U.S. controls key equipment on new warships, putting Canada in a potential 'hostage' situation over military procurement
- Prime Minister announces the appointment of a senator
- Ontario woman scammed after giving $6K to someone who asked for a ‘code word’ to get bail money
- Jamie Sarkonak: Chrystia Freeland's socialist disaster of an affordability plan
- Carney planning to hide the carbon tax
- Tiny Tiny Homes calls on Toronto to ‘show some love for our homeless’ after its mini-dwellings ordered removed from downtown park
- David Staples: Mark Carney's economic plan? Trudeau's plan on steroids
- How Mexican cartels and Chinese criminal networks are moving 'cocaine of the sea' through Canadian ports
- Over a pound of fentanyl seized at U.S. border, and it came from Canada

- Opinion: Renaming Ontario schools is a waste of time and money — and also wrong
- CHARLEBOIS: Dairy farmers need to wake up before the system crumbles
- No translator allowed at Liberal French debate for former Brampton MP Ruby Dhalla
- Lawrence Krauss: The DEI nightmare must be dismantled
- Élie Cantin-Nantel: Almost half of my generation wants Canada to join the U.S. Here’s why
- Dramatic arrest made in alleged fake taxi scam that targeted SFU Burnaby students
- Bell: What's up Canada? Liberals could win the election, are you nuts?
- Bell: What's up Canada? Liberals could win the election, are you nuts? (saved)
- Canada rent guide: Vancouver ranked #1 priciest rental market
- Man robbed at gunpoint in Wetaskiwin home, 3 charged: RCMP
- Trump singles out Canada’s digital tax amid escalation of trade threats
- Port Moody rent-to-own project fails to help first-time buyers
- Two Loblaw locations in Abbotsford introduce body cameras
- Toronto orders creator of tiny mobile homes for unhoused people to stop
- Nelson: Make Canada great again? No chance
- Kelowna zero-emission company forced into layoffs after shift in US market and loss of major contract
- Amy Hamm: BC Human Rights Tribunal awards $10K to trans person with hurt feelings
- Canadian hockey fans asked not to boo American national anthem but some did anyway
- Guilbeault pulls pin on $11-billion Kitimat refinery project backed by Stockwell Day
- Two Metro Vancouver cities top new list of most expensive rent in Canada
- York police issue warning after more than a dozen online sellers burned by fake $100 bills
- Legault used to rail against 'dirty energy' pipelines. Now, his tone is changing
- Alleged B.C. drug 'superlab' property owner claims RCMP breached Charter rights
- Good Samaritans hold suspect in alleged Richmond city centre distraction theft
- Starbucks is closing a well-known Vancouver location this week
- Carney must tell Canadians how much “changing” the carbon tax will cost

- BMO Retirement Survey: Over Three Quarters of Canadians Worry They Will Not Have Enough Retirement Savings Amid Inflation
- Drugs, guns seized after teenagers caught using $100 bills labelled ‘prop money,’ RCMP say
- ArriveCan App Contractors Caught in Indigenous Business Sham
- 'Legal loophole' leaves Manitoba renters vulnerable to astronomical rent hikes, says new study
- Chevron Plans to Lay Off 20% of Workers in Cost-Cutting Push
- Additional charges laid after Surrey groping incident
- Surrey man charged with break and enter and sexual assault last year now facing additional counts
- Mississauga man whose car stolen 6 times speaks out amid report that says auto theft is down
- Terry Newman: Canada should renew its Constitutional promise with pipelines
- Jamie Sarkonak: Carney wants to punish Canadian steel, just like Trump
- Here's how much income you need to buy a Montreal home — Try not to cry
- Eliminating drug’s ’scourge’ is the priority, Canada’s new fentanyl czar says
- BMO Retirement Survey: Over Three Quarters of Canadians Worry They Will Not Have Enough Retirement Savings Amid Inflation
- This is how much Canadians expect they'll need to retire, according to a BMO survey
- Lieutenant general goes to court to fight Canadian Forces efforts to kick him out of military
- Fentanyl czar plans to 'intensify' border security, eliminate fentanyl

- REVEALED: Mark Carney wears $2,000 sneakers
- End of an era: Vancouver clothing company closing after nearly 50 years of knitting sweaters
- Toronto condo buyers abandon units worth less than they paid
- Whitby woman wants refund after giving psychic over $50,000 to help her fall in love
- Canada Keeps Supply Management Despite Push to Remove Trade Barriers
- 'The world has changed': veteran reacts to Trump taunting Canada's military
- How Canada uses the CRS to select permanent residents
- HUNTER: Rural home invasions becoming a killing zone for thugs
- Vancouver donut shop "heartbroken" over unavoidable closure
- Police investigating violent attack involving teens at Surrey restaurant
- Ottawa’s Algonquin College cutting 37 academic programs starting in September
- Canadian Banks Saw Mortgages In Arrears Jump 22% Higher
- Adam Zivo: Leak hints at extent of corruption within B.C.'s safer supply program
- Canadians punished with carbon tax on home heating
- Canada Added 374,832 New Canadian Citizens in 2024
- A previously Michelin-recommended Vancouver restaurant has quietly closed
- Police chief praises officer’s actions dealing with axe-wielding man
- Why So Many Canadians Can’t Get a Foothold in the Housing Market
- Population growth, lack of affordable housing locks first-time homebuyers in rental market: report
- Canada at a Crossroads – Volume 1: The Housing Crunch
- First-time home buyers face uphill battle to own in the Lower Mainland: RE/MAX
- Heather Exner-Pirot: Mark Carney’s climate plan is already outdated
- Mark Milke: Taking stock of discriminatory hiring practices at Canadian universities
- Two men face charges in Richmond court of exporting meth
- As Canada’s tax ‘holiday’ ends, small businesses say it was a ‘flop’: CFIB
- $5.3 million Black Hawk helicopters to patrol Canada U.S. border
- Fake porn alert triggers gold scam in Richmond
- Former RCMP deputy commissioner Kevin Brosseau is Canada's new 'fentanyl czar'
- Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting
- Bells Corners craft brewery closes its doors due to ‘current economic situation’
- EXCLUSIVE: Liberal donors, former candidate lead foreign aid org that received $180M since 2015
- Canada's top court is considering offering mediation. Some are wondering: why?
- Calgary fentanyl dealer arrested

- Did the GST tax break actually help Canadians?
- CHARLEBOIS: Egg prices are cracking under pressure
- Canada Revenue Agency to tax the $2.5 billion small business carbon tax rebate despite decision by the Department of Finance
- Former Ottawa Catholic high school teacher pleads guilty to sexual exploitation
- DeepDive: Canada should get rid of supply management once and for all. Here’s a plan to do it
- Drive-by shooting in Coquitlam residential neighbourhood leaves one injured
- Vehicle found ablaze after ‘brazen’ daylight drive-by shooting in Coquitlam
- Cold saps up to 40% of EV battery life, CAA test finds
- Starlink Crushes Cell Tower Internet for Rural Canadians, Says Report
- Man arrested on outstanding warrant: Richmond RCMP
- Police warn of phone scam targeting Richmond, B.C.'s Chinese community
- Police investigate shooting at Penticton 'problem house'
- Ontario man named boss of huge cross-border drug smuggling ring slipped out of Canada and into U.S. court
- 'We will not be returning': Vancouver arcade bar closing down
- ‘Shocking and brutal’ 79 workers laid off at Cami Automotive
- Liberals’ LNG flip-flop draws scrutiny — and ridicule — as allies look elsewhere
- David Clement: Why is the government paying to lobby itself? It’s time to end this corrupt process
- Report: Netanyahu’s flightpath returning from US avoided Canadian airspace due to ICC warrant
- RCMP under investigation after student killed near Surrey elementary school
- Youths charged after attempted jewellery store robberies at Conestoga Mall
- Threats of deportation, arrest used by fraudsters to scam Richmond-based Chinese community
- Tamara Lich says parliamentary salaries should also be ‘prorogued’
- Hire Lobbyist At US$85K/mo
- Released hostages: "They treated us like animals"
- OPINION: Carney planning to hide the carbon tax from Canadians

- This Week’s Top Stories: More Canadians Are Leaving For Good, & Toronto Housing Inventory Jumps 70%
- IH data breach leads to multiple fraudulent calls on Nelson resident
- They depended on Epicure's products, then the company closed on them without notice
- Small businesses still being taxed on carbon rebates, federation says
- Suspect wanted after seen setting business on fire in Kitchener: WRPS
- Surrey police seek suspect in ‘unprovoked’ assaults at 7-Eleven
- Surrey police investigating unprovoked assaults Sunday
- Thieves slip away with more than $1M in olive oil during transport from Montreal to Toronto
- RCMP mistake sees Vernon man with $200,000 of meth, cocaine walk free
- Jamie Sarkonak: Conservatives must prepare for a public service cull
- 'This is a sad goodbye': Family run Mexican restaurant closes Vancouver location
- ‘Things have changed’: Minister Champagne says Canada may need West-East pipelines
- Check out the most and least expensive North Shore homes sold in December and January
- ‘A void in the hearts of all who knew him’: Toronto’s first murder victim of the year fondly remembered
- ‘Absolutely horrific:’ The median age of death for unhoused women in Toronto is now 36
- ‘Things have changed’: Minister Champagne says Canada may need West-East pipelines (Never going to happen)

- European trip gives Trudeau opportunity to tout Canada’s AI efforts, strengthen ties: experts
- Lorne Gunter: Make no mistake, Mark Carney will win the Liberal leadership
- LILLEY: Trump gives Japan LNG deal Trudeau denied in 2023
- Amazon starts closing Quebec warehouses, putting thousands of employees out of work, union says
- Saskatchewan develops new COVID-19 vaccine strategy
- Buy Ottawa: How the tariff war is hitting local small businesses
- ‘A wake-up call for North America’: Experts warn trying to ‘buy Canadian’ may be harder than you think
- GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau Liberals say they were wrong about almost everything so re-elect them
- LILLEY: Trump gives Japan LNG deal Trudeau denied in 2023
- Cory Morgan: Now Is the Ideal Time for Canada to End Its Costly and Outdated Dairy Supply Management System
- American firm employing Mark Carney's wife receives huge contracts from Government of Canada
- Homelessness in a growth economy: Canada's 21st century paradox
- Business Exposing Global Affairs Canada’s crazy spending spree

- Diversion of prescribed opioids ‘out of control’: B.C. doctor
- Rob Shaw: NDP's safe-supply gaslighting collapses under leaked government report
- Canada Gained 76k Jobs… Or Lost 173k, Depends On The Data Set
- Ivison: DEI screening comes before merit questions in Canadian university hiring
- South Surrey residents frustrated, fearful after string of break-ins
- 2 men charged after thefts of tools, construction equipment in Vaughan
- B.C. judge tosses drug evidence over 'numerous and flagrant' violations of accused's Charter rights
- Sooke RCMP seizes 3.5 kilograms of drugs, counterfeit U.S. cash in two raids
- Man who killed 2 in case of mistaken identity sentenced to life in prison
- ‘Everyone is being punished’: Steinbach business says shipments turned away at U.S. border
- Married health-care workers accused of stealing $1M from elderly patient in Newmarket, Ont.: York police
- $2.6 million worth of stolen vehicles and stolen property found in Grey Bruce
- Prime Minister announces the appointment of senators
- Plastic bullets fired in dramatic downtown Vancouver arrest
- Canada intercepts people trying to cross border in ‘incredibly cold’ conditions
- RCMP's Black Hawk helicopter is now patrolling B.C.-U.S. border
- Michael Higgins: Emperor Carney acting like he's already in charge
- Jack Mintz: Consumers will pay for Carney's carbon plan
- BofA to buy $9 billion residential mortgage loan from Canada's TD, source says
- 'Bittersweet announcement': Local poké shop closes two of its three Metro Vancouver locations
- Man, 33, sentenced for accidentally shooting rifle outside Burnaby apartment elevator
- Forfeiture sought against B.C. property where RCMP found drug 'superlab'
- Canadian warship commander relieved of duty due to ‘loss of confidence’
- Northern Ontario police warning the public to think twice before clicking links
- Governor general nets $15Gs pay raise, bringing salary to $378Gs
- Governor General pockets another pay raise, salary now $378,000
- Manitoba foster parent, daycare owner charged in international child porn case
- The next attack on freedoms? Climate lockdowns
- The government wants to kill you, and the CBC wants your kids to be OK with it
- Freeland targeted by 'malicious' WeChat campaign with alleged ties to China: Threat task force

- Canada’s National Housing Agency’s Forecast Is More Like Fan Fiction
- Trump claims Canada ‘very tough to do business with,’ trade minister says no concessions
- Vancouver rental prices continue to decrease; still most expensive in Canada
- Average rent increases $49 a month in Ottawa in January, Kanata rents among highest in Ontario
- Exclusive: Global Affairs Canada a top funder of state-funded BBC, mostly for foreign DEI projects
- Boy, 15, charged with second-degree murder in suspicious death investigation
- Calgary woman fends off porch pirates in her bathrobe: ‘Adrenaline took over’
- Bloc head Blanchett ‘fiercely’ opposed to oil pipelines through Quebec
- $200,000 worth of narcotics seized, 2 Toronto residents facing combined 43 charges in Sudbury drug bust: OP
- Driver may have flashed handgun at Maple Ridge students for throwing snowball: RCMP
- ‘Canada Post is in terminal decline’: Delays still being experienced by postal service after strike
- Trevor Tombe: There are real limits to what Canada can do in standing up to Trump
- Trans Mountain exploring capacity expansion projects but not a 3rd pipeline
- Canada Welcomes Record 483,000 New Permanent Residents In 2024
- Singh agrees Quebec gets veto power on pipelines
- ‘Canadian Dave’ describes 77 days in Taliban captivity
- Victoria resident loses $900 to scam involving fake cop, Canada Post
- Feds under pressure to name ‘fentanyl czar’ in wake of Alberta border-crossing busts
- Lorne Gunter: Quebec's Legault scuttles notion of eastern pipeline, national co-operation
- Canada Post lays off nearly 50 employees amid ‘critical financial situation
- Police seek help locating alleged Canada-wide romance scammer
- Dismissed human rights appointee files $2m libel claim, including Rebel News
- WikiLeaks: USAID Has Been Funding Over 6,000 Journalists Worldwide Across Nearly 1000 Platforms
- Global Affairs Canada project database erased by Trudeau Liberals
- CHARLEBOIS: The dairy monopoly that holds Canada hostage
- Provincial patrols at Canada-U.S. border are just 'history's most expensive taxi service': union head
- Gould calls out 'very, very high' Liberal leadership fee ahead of fundraising deadline
- Liberal cabinet ministers sign letter accusing Trump plan of 'ethnic cleansing' Gaza

- Toronto Real Estate Prices Rise As Sales Fall & Inventory Surges 70% Higher
- B.C. business owner voices concern over boycott of American goods
- Parks Canada’s Amazon Buy-In Backfires Amid Quebec Backlash
- Ontario men accused of using fake meat barcodes to activate gift cards
- Parks Canada backtracks on directive to buy from Amazon
- International students who graduated from Canadian schools more likely to be underemployed: StatCan
- Epicure has $5.7M shortfall, bankruptcy trustee says
- Canada unveils first new jetty in $1.1B upgrade at CFB Esquimalt
- New B.C. PET/CT scanner saves lives through public-private health care partnership
- ‘Taxpayers can’t keep paying for this’: Thousands of RCMP vehicles destined for crusher
- Canada's GST/HST break is ending soon and you should stock up on these grocery products
- Armed robbers hit Grande Prairie business twice in 9 days
- 2 women face catalytic converter theft charges after arrest in Burnaby
- Nancy Mace Crushes Justin Trudeau With Just Three Words
- CLOSURE: Over 20 Beer Store locations shut across Ontario
- Tariffs may be paused, but the job cuts have already begun in Quebec
- U.S. tariff threat: Quebec furniture company lays off 115 workers after sales drop
- Sheertex temporarily lays off 40% of staff as it braces for impending U.S. tariffs
- Suspects ‘condo scouting’ in Ontario city, using glue on doors to break-in: police
- Canadian man, 22, with 'formidable mathematical prowess' allegedly stole $65M in crypto
- Aga Khan's death resulted in Justin Trudeau expressing public admiration. What was their relationship?
- Canadian telecom giant is offering buyouts to hundreds of employees
- John Ivison: A deplorable indictment of Canadians’ access to health care. One of too many
- West Shore RCMP seize large quantities of illegal drugs after traffic stop
- China accounted for 50% of oil exports via Vancouver in 2024: China Institute
- Parks Cut Fire Budget By 23%
- Poilievre would impose life sentences for trafficking over 40 mg of fentanyl
- WHO asks for $1.5 billion bail out after US, Argentina leave
- Terry Newman: What Justin Trudeau isn't saying
- Edmonton police seize $400,000 of fentanyl, weapons from Callingwood home
- “Food Professor” calls for the elimination of interprovincial trade barriers
- $400K worth of fentanyl, rifles and swords seized in Edmonton bust
- Gov’t Still Likes
- RCMP says fentanyl labs expanding across BC
- Pierre Polievre promises life sentences for large fentanyl dealers

- This young mom gave birth to a healthy baby boy. 2 days later, she was dead from an infection
- Amazon to face legal action after laying off 1,900 in Quebec
- Opinion: Canadians now trust business more than government
- Police disrupt ‘significant drug trafficking network,’ seize cars and cash in Chilliwack
- Company tied to plant-based milk listeria outbreak looks to sell two plants
- National Bank of Canada acquires Canadian Western Bank in $5B deal
- Attempt to fraudulently open bank account in another name falls flat
- Homicide team deployed after apparent abduction in Abbotsford turns deadly
- IHIT investigating after 19-year-old died of assault injuries
- Michael Higgins: Finally, the Liberals start tackling the scourge of fentanyl
- Canada’s Trans Mountain expects more interest in pipeline system if U.S. implements tariffs
- Purolator acquires Livingston International
- Notorious Kelowna criminal wanted again
- Security guard stopped would-be robbers at Conestoga Mall: police
- Plague of jewellery store robberies in Waterloo Region continues
- Canada’s Trans Mountain expects more interest in pipeline system if U.S. implements tariffs
- Weak loonie signals economy is 'in trouble': currency exp
- Indian man linked to 'disinformation campaigns' gets another shot at Canadian permanent residency
- Canadians Have Only Fled The Country Faster 4 Times Since 1967
- The Aga Khan, spiritual leader of the world’s Ismaili Muslims, has died at age 88
- Suspects sought in smash-and-grab jewellery store robbery at Erin Mills Town Centre
- Vancouver restaurant confirms "the rumours are true" about its closure and debt
- No plan to send Canadian military troops to protect border, minister says
- Bell: Smith's warning — Trump wants action at border, stop doing a victory dance
- Canada seeks new chief medical officer after Tam’s pandemic fumble
- Danielle Smith says Canada can't expedite U.S. free-trade talks until after an election
- ‘Round The Globe For Science
- Carney under fire for acting as prime minister before leadership race concludes
- Quebec continues to reject Energy East pipeline from Alberta despite tariff threat
- WOW! Trudeau gov't spent LAVISHLY on foreign pet projects
- Canada seeks new trade deals amid Trump tariff threats, inks Ecuador pact
- Smith says Canada should ‘stop making excuses,’ address Trump concerns to avoid tariffs

- Canadian Interest Rates To Plunge Further, Test Historic Extremes: BMO
- Montreal warns tenants to think twice before moving this year
- Alcohol-related deaths and hospitalizations spiked during the pandemic. Could policy have made a difference?
- Anthony Furey: Canada needs to deal with its fentanyl problem
- Mexican national who was the subject of CBSA warrant arrested as part of $29M cocaine bust: police
- A Chinese Smartphone Giant Built Its Own Car. Sales Have Been Incredible
- Man dead after shooting in west end Montreal
- Adam Pankratz: Eby's new love for energy, mining doesn't excuse past abuse of the sector
- London police seek suspect in north-end thefts
- Debden, Sask., struggles to keep post office open amid bilingual requirement
- The $250-an-hour Band-Aid: How this rural northeastern Ontario hospital keeps its emergency room open
- U.S.-made alcohol products will remain on LCBO shelves after tariffs postponed
- 6 charged in probe of 'particularly violent' drug trafficking group: Burnaby RCMP
- Three suspects arrested for alleged shoplifting in Richmond city centre
- Ontario pausing retaliatory measures after tariffs postponed, Doug Ford says
- A Halifax business owner was defrauded. Then she had to pay a penalty for it
- Purolator loses court challenge after it fired unvaccinated employees
- NP View: Put Canada first — recall Parliament now
- ‘Hitting back will not lead to anything good’: Shopify CEO criticizes Canada’s response to U.S. tariffs
- Bell: Trudeau no hero — Danielle Smith's diplomacy helped win the day on tariffs
- 'I can't stop crying': Jurors hear tearful 911 call from 90-year-old rape victim

- A foldable tiny home you can install in just 60 minutes without tools
- Paris AI Summit: Canadian fund Brookfield to invest €20 billion in France
- A foldable tiny home you can install in just 60 minutes without tools
- Police lay charges in $47M Alberta-B.C. money laundering operation: 'One of the biggest'
- CRA exec denied bonus while off work
- Six suspects wanted after attempted robbery at Conestoga Mall jewelry store
- Car prices face US$3,000 increase as tariffs hit auto sector
- Read the full text of Trump's executive order imposing tariffs on Canada
- LCBO halts U.S. liquor sales to all stores, restaurants, grocers and bars
- Empty shelves at B.C. liquor stores as American booze pulled in response to tariffs
- ‘Does a kid have to be snatched before we care?’ Downtown Toronto residents seek ‘urgent action’ amid spike in coyote attacks
- Terry Newman: Trudeau puts Canada last
- Trudeau using Fake Military Sympathy - "We Fought, Died With You": Canadian PM Trudeau's Emotional Message To Americans After Trump Tariffs
- Lorne Gunter: Carney’s so-called carbon tax replacement all smoke and mirrors
- Danielle Smith: How Team Canada can overcome Trump tariffs
- The State of Internal Trade: Canada's Interprovincial Cooperation Report Card

- Winnipeg man arrested in $50M narcotics seizure granted bail with conditions
- Letters, Feb. 1, 2025: 'These pensions are too rich'
- Beer stores in Ontario are abruptly closing
- Quesnel RCMP seize guns and drugs with search warrant
- Housing crisis in New Brunswick could get worse, with more people at risk, advocates warn
- Police search for suspects in attempted jewellery store robbery in North York
- Canada’s Military Has Now Reached a ‘Mission Impossible’ Moment
- The U.S. is installing more rock barriers to target illegal border crossings. Will they work?
- Tesla Increases Prices in Canada By Up To $9,000
- Burnaby man charged in bank card fraud scheme as police warn public of scam's growth
- Winnipeg man arrested in $50M narcotics seizure granted bail with conditions
- Conrad Black: Trump bulldozes the leftist nonsense of the last four years
- HANNAFORD: Yes, this was hostile, no, Trudeau is not the man to deal with it
- Toronto police ID victim in city's 1st homicide of the year
- Arab nations reject Trump's suggestion to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan
- Canadian government sends nearly $42 million tax dollars to 2SLBTQI+ organizations on the eve of US tariffs
- Man and woman from Oshawa charged in Annex homicide investigation
- One man dead after Coquitlam pub fight Friday night
February 2025

- $20B TMX loan raises new questions over pipeline costs
- Smith shows Fox News how Alberta's taking border security seriously
- Ottawa announces deferral in implementing capital gains changes, new exemptions
- 'A tough decision': Craft brewer closing its Richmond taproom
- Carney proposes alternative to ‘divisive’ carbon price. How would it work?
- RBC becomes latest Canadian lender to quit global climate coalition
- Terry Newman: Mark Carney's climate change theory of everything, including Trump
- Liberals delay capital gains tax hike until next year
- Amazon Quebec layoffs balloon to 4,500 as workers' union considers possible legal action
- Ottawa announces deferral in implementing capital gains changes, new exemptions
- Backlash to Alberta’s COVID-19 review report proves public health needs independent scrutiny
- Several foods are being recalled in Canada including tuna, baby food & chocolate
- Canada Child Benefit payments available for six months after child's death starting January
- Canadian economy shrinks in biggest decline in a year
- Chrystia Freeland says Canada should target Elon Musk’s Tesla in a tariff fight
- Brookfield Renewable CEO says company will pass on higher costs from tariffs to U.S. corporate customers
- Federal government posts $22.7-billion deficit from April-to-November period
- Prosecution budget issues leading to fentanyl trafficking charges getting dropped

- After $10M losses in 15 years, London Drugs weighs leaving Woodward’s development
- Officers seize eight kilograms – potentially millions of doses – of fentanyl during traffic stop
- John Ivison: Canada’s health-care system is desperate for a shock treatment that never comes
- Powell River gives Poilievre rock star welcome, marathoner exit
- Man, 26, faces 16 charges in bank-card fraud that scammed Burnaby seniors
- Store owner wants Kelowna sex toy thieves to come forward and pay for stolen item
- Jamie Sarkonak: The foreign interference verdict is in — all Canadians are to blame
- Jamie Sarkonak: The foreign interference verdict is in — all Canadians are to blame (saved)
- More charges laid in stolen vehicles and illegal firearms investigation: Peel police
- Man wanted in triple shooting outside Hamilton nightclub arrested in Quebec, police say
- Canada’s Anti-Money Laundering Agency Isn’t Serious About Real Estate
- Requiring all first-degree murderers to serve 25 years before parole eligibility unconstitutional: B.C. ruling
- After $10M losses in 15 years, London Drugs weighs leaving Woodward’s development
- A new GTA reception centre will provide refugees arriving in Canada with shelter and other supports
- CBSA seize drugs disguised as bath products at YVR airport
- MEJIA and ALIAKBARI: Canadians should understand costs of Trudeau’s Emissions Reduction Plan
- Opinion: Face reality. Net zero is neither affordable nor attainable
- Ottawa’s “Net Zero” emission-reduction plan will cost Canadian workers $8,000 annually by 2050
- Exonerated Jan. 6 convict who fled to Canada ordered out of country and banned for a year
- Muslim student group at U of T cancels talk by convicted terrorist
- 11 years after a celebrated opening, massive solar plant faces a bleak future in the Mojave Desert
- CRTC looking into inmate phone call rates in Canada following Ontario case
- Man arrested at Burnaby mall, charged with violating fifth deportation order
- Adam Pankratz: Canada's sudden about-face on oil and gas exports
- Canada report finds 'no definitive link' to 'foreign state' in Nijjar killing, dismisses Trudeau's India claim
- Israel releases Palestinian prisoners after more Gaza hostages freed – as it happened
- Jagmeet Singh: What price will you pay next?
- Conservatives launch Jagmeet Singh pension countdown clock
- RCMP seize fentanyl bound for Regina that was ‘potentially millions of doses’
- NDP leader doubles down on pledge to force a spring election
- Man trying to enter Canada illegally by jumping off moving train sent back to U.S.
- Trump says tariffs on Canada and Mexico coming Saturday, and he's deciding whether to tax their oil
- New CBC CEO says defunding CBC would “cripple” state broadcaster
- Ontario police chiefs denounce federal Crown 'billing caps' leading to criminal charges being dropped
- Israel’s ban on UN’s Palestinian aid agency has come into effect. Here’s what that looks like
- DITCHED RESOURCE PROJECTS! An Estimated $670 Billion of Investment Lost in Ditched Resource Projects Since Trudeau Became Prime Minister
- ‘A gun on my head’: Ontario family targeted by thieves twice in one month

- Dramatic footage shows takedown in botched Markham jewelry store robbery
- 3 teens, 2 adults arrested after botched jewelry store robbery in Markham, police say
- Terence Corcoran: Feds bail out Canada Post while threatening Amazon
- Amazon’s Retribution in Quebec Should Be a Wake-Up Call
- WARMINGTON: Mysterious and concerning anti-Israel event cancelled at last minute
- Human rights complaint denied for Richmond woman who refused to wear mask
- Jury finds Jaspal Singh Sidhu guilty of second-degree murder
- Christopher Hume: We must value housing as more than a simple commodity
- Canada could lose more from Trump tariffs and retaliation: expert
- ‘I had 3 months to live if I didn’t do this’: Ontario man travels to United States and pays $600,000 for life-changing surgery
- Saskatchewan seeks intervenor status in Newfoundland equalization court case
- City of Richmond spent tens of thousands of dollars on restaurant gift cards
- Video shows truck illegally hopping border amid rising Canada-U.S. tensions
- Salmonella outbreak linked to imported pastries has now sickened 69 people in Canada
- A breakdown of the saddest Vancouver restaurant closures in January
- Bell: Smith to Trudeau — Put a general in charge of the border. Now.
- White House: Biden earmarked $50M for Gaza condoms; Biden official calls claim a ‘feverish dream’
- Man who removed ankle monitor accused in series of North York sex attacks
- Hamilton police search for 6 women in variety store distraction theft
- Federal immigration cuts lead to 'devastating' gutting of services for immigrants to Vancouver
- Trump commerce nominee says Canada, Mexico can avoid tariffs, vows stronger China tech curbs
- RCMP investigating 'deport them all' demonstrators after repeatedly disregarding pro-Hamas protesters
- Harper sacks 19 AIMCo employees including DEI manager
- Multiple Arrests Made in Brampton Theft Investigation
- Nearly $60K worth of butter stolen from Peel Region grocery stores

- 'Merchants of death': Top player in Alberta's largest-ever fentanyl lab case sentenced to 16 years in prison
- Alberta pension manager fires 19 employees, including DEI program lead
- Penticton RCMP seeking wanted person on outstanding warrant for allegedly uttering threats
- Four suspects, including two youths, charged in armed robbery at Brampton store
- Three people arrested; gun seized after armed carjacking in Scarborough
- U.S. officials install rocks along B.C. border in what lawyer calls ‘sign of the times’
- Eastern Ontario woman out nearly $20,000 in bank scam
- Toronto teen arrested, 3 others wanted in Hamilton jewelry store robbery
- Counterpoint: Government funding must support research that represents all Canadians
- Jordan Peterson: Canada must offer Alberta more than Trump could
- Peter Menzies: Pierre Poilievre has the government-funded media spooked
- Jesse Kline: Trudeau's EV subsidy racket is unravelling before his eyes
- Fire guts Burger Barn days after shooting at Six Nations restaurant
- Bullshite - No evidence of ‘traitors’: Takeaways from the foreign interference inquiry’s final report
- GIESBRECHT: What if Alberta really said goodbye to Canada?
- WATCH: Jagmeet Singh RENEWS support for lying Liberals
- Trump signs executive order aimed at curtailing gender transitions for everyone under 19
- Calgary Plan postponed; Cllr. McLean rips DEI culture in Calgary City Hall
- Volkswagen cancels all-electric ID.7 for Canada, U.S.

- Colby Cosh: Freeland's capital-gains flip-flop
- 1 man arrested, 1 still wanted in Brampton gas station robbery
- Jamie Sarkonak: Feds’ racial politics have plunged Canadian fisheries into chaos
Identity-based redistribution program

- Posthaste: What a record change in Canada's 'age pyramid' means for the economy
- She was trying to sell a play tent for $40. It ended up costing her $1,250
- CMLS introduces Aveo Flex 40, Canada’s newest 40-year mortgage
- Federal inquiry into Canada Post opens hearings
- CLOSURE: Canadian retailer to shut over 90 stores across the country
- The reason Trump plans to crush Canada that our politicians just don’t get: Full Comment podcast
- Richmond shooter sentenced 25 years for restaurant killing
- New program by City of Richmond cuts affordable housing costs by up to $40,000 per unit
- EDITORIAL: How can anyone trust the Liberals?
- Trudeau ignores Trump’s pardon, keeps J6 protester in Canadian detention
- Trudeau to fill Senate vacancies before retiring: source
- Rob Shaw: BC NDP left tiptoeing as Vancouver mayor redraws DTES playbook
- Mass migration inspiring Quebec independence
- Millions in federal funds to recover suspected Indian children's graves in B.C. went elsewhere: Report
- Canada can use electricity for leverage if U.S. starts trade war, Carney says
- Alberta government COVID-19 review calls for immediate halt to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, citing safety concerns
- Downtown Eastside at 'tipping point' as London Drugs considers leaving Woodward's building
- Delta throwback: House prices through the roof
- BS but if you want to have a laugh. - Mar-a-Lago among swathes of US predicted to be underwater by 2100... use our map to see if YOUR home's at risk
- Brother of Liberal MP removed from U of C website following vulgar social media post

- NP View: The federal public service needs downsizing, and Poilievre's the man to do it
- Nova Scotia's bat population showing signs of recovery after years of decline - For the covid jokes
- True North and associated companies file for creditor protection
- Liberal leadership contender Chandra Arya says party told him he won’t be able to run
- These parents lost their son after he was the target of an online scheme. Now they want change
- Man, 20s, dead following ‘wounding’ incident in Annex
- ‘Deaths happening every night’: London, Ont. woman has passion for helping homeless stay warm
- Trump pardon covers Jan. 6 convict being held in Canada, his lawyer says. CBSA says otherwise
- B.C. woman loses $5K claim over unauthorized sharing of medical records
- Canadian veteran known as ‘Canadian Dave’ released by Taliban months after arrest
- ‘Do the right thing,’ say Toronto police, as search underway for 3 suspects in fatal Annex wounding
- Homicide unit called in after man dies following wounding in The Annex
- North Saanich cooking-supplies company Epicure ceases operations citing financial challenges
- Survey says more young Canadians believe the history of the Holocaust is exaggerated

- Why a unionized warehouse in Quebec posed a threat to Amazon
- Alberta's 'contrarian' COVID-19 review task force releases final report, including recommendation to halt vaccines
- Police seek 6 suspects after Saturday night stabbing in Scarborough
- Libman: Ottawa quick to rebuke Alberta but tiptoes around Quebec
- CIA believes COVID-19 likely originated from a lab, but agency has low confidence in its own finding
- Terry Newman: Redistribution Carney announces he is Trudeau 2.0
- Canadians from across the country share their medical gaslighting experiences
- 'Look who's come crawling back': The imagined thoughts of the Northern Gateway pipeline
- RCMP, Mounties union says Manitoba, Saskatchewan face severe staffing stresses
- ‘We will have zero doctors’: Island town loses both of its family doctors at once
- Hamas frees 4 Israeli soldier hostages in exchange for 200 Palestinians
- Conrad Black: The insidious BDS campaign trying to undermine our universities
- GFANZ was launched in April 2021 by UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance Mark Carney and the COP26 presidency to accelerate the transition to a net-zero global economy
- Dirty Davos: Record Number of Female and Trans Escorts Hired at WEF Meeting, Claims Agency

- Pfizer to pay $59.7 million over kickbacks for migraine drug
- FOR THE GOOD OF CANADA: Next Prime Minister Should Swiftly Dismantle Trudeau – Guilbeault – Wilkinson Anti-Energy Agenda
- Police make multiple arrests in Truro
- Suspects tied up employee and stole $1.4M in jewelry from Ajax store: police
- Ottawa planning processing centre for asylum seekers in Quebec near U.S. border
- 'Considerable uncertainty' remains about gender treatments for kids, Canadian researchers warn
- What Amazon's Quebec exit means for shoppers, workers, landlords and government
- Trump-hating Canadians behind MAGA 'rival' hat learn ironic lesson in why they need US
- $45 a pop: ‘Canada is not for sale’ hat offers tough lesson in domestic manufacturing
- Meet the 'tooth fairy,' the disturbing, rejected face of Canada's dental care plan
- MacDougall: Poilievre's cuts to the public service won't be easy to make
- Police find $1 million in stolen items at property in Langley
- New images released of suspects wanted for St. Catharines jewelry store robbery
- Marshall Smith: Alberta's effective approach to drugs should be a North American standard
- Calgary police announce more charges against alleged fraudster Monika Manhas
- Air Canada ordered to pay Brink’s over $18K for $20M gold stolen at Toronto Pearson
- Bell: Danielle Smith answers critics, says it's time to give Trump a win
- FIRST READING: Serial road blockader asks Trudeau government to save him from deportation again
- Kraft Heinz ‘deeply’ disappointed with Trudeau’s comments about its Canadian-made ketchup
- Ezra Levant and Avi Yemini recount threatening move by BlackRock CEO in Davos
- Canada Post secures $1 billion in federal funding to avoid insolvency
- Braid: Mark Carney is a climate zealot who won't back off Trudeau agenda
- Chrystia Freeland says she's running against the 'Ottawa establishment' in Liberal leadership race
- Alberta task force recommends halt of COVID-19 vaccines in new report

- Canada imported US$200M of Russian oil in 2024 despite sanctions: CREA
- Erin resident taken for $50,000 in phone scam
- Next prime minister should swiftly dismantle Ottawa’s anti-energy agenda
- Here's How This Chinese EV Took Down The BMW X3
- Charlotte Street assault suspect identified, Ottawa police say
- Nova Scotia calls for ‘immediate’ Energy East pipeline approval by PM
- Opinion: The CRA's unconstitutional money grab
- Karina Gould pitches policies as she officially enters race for Liberal leadership
- EXCLUSIVE: Station Mall in receivership after owner fails to pay $18M mortgage
- ‘That’s the end of it’: Majority of employees at industrial landmark Accuride finished at end of month
- Federal government using AI to tackle Phoenix backlog as it tests replacement system
- Six migrants found crossing border on foot in freezing temperatures: Manitoba RCMP
- Peavey Mart closing stores in London, across Southwestern Ontario
- ‘No municipality or police service will threaten to arrest and jail someone for a ticket’: OPP warns of new scam
- Do you know these men? Winnipeg cops seek armed robbery suspects
- Canadians continue to struggle financially due to higher costs: RBC poll
- Trans Mountain expansion has delivered so far on some profitable promises, report suggests
- Tesla raising prices for its vehicles in Canada by up to $9,000 starting Feb. 1
- BREAKING: Brampton man charged with arson after fire destroyed downtown building
- Heinz Maker Slams Trudeau for Floating Ketchup as Trade Target
- Toronto police search for suspect in knifepoint robbery at west-end convenience store
- Randall Denley: Ontario's big EV gamble just lost everything to Trump
- Hit New Low Under Freeland
- Fate of $100 billion in Canadian EV projects in doubt as political landscape shifts
- Canada's $52B EV gamble didn't pay off, observers say
- Federal report offers snapshot of Canadian organized crime trends

- Liberal cabinet minister Harjit Sajjan won’t seek re-election
- Drug 'superlabs' leave a toxic mess. Some say B.C.'s cleanup rules are a mess, too
- Canada’s military stops some automatic disqualification in applicant crunch
- Fall Economic Statement: Issues for Parliamentarians
- Brad Bradford: Bylaw protecting Toronto Jewish neighbourhoods in the works, no thanks to Chow
- Three 17-year-olds charged after alleged armed carjacking in Brampton
- Health Canada issues recall notice for compounded semaglutide drugs
- Conservatives say they could shrink federal workforce by 17,000 yearly by not replacing leavers
- Terry Glavin: Listen to Poilievre, recall Parliament now
- As in-person sales decline, SAQ prepares to close stores, change opening hours
- Trevor Tombe: Premier Smith is right that restricting oil exports is a bad idea. Here’s a better option
- B.C. First Nation leader apologizes, walks back on Northern Gateway pipeline support
- Poilievre says he’s only aware of two genders, challenges interviewer to name others for him 'to consider'
- Will Amazon shuttering all its Quebec warehouses affect your orders?
- 'Some of this is not our choice': Metro Vancouver board game cafe closes suddenly
- Marine container loaded with $12.8M of contraband seized in Montreal
- CAF updates entry medical standards to aid recruitment efforts
- 3 more reports of bank card scam under investigation, Richmond RCMP say
- Trudeau’s environment minister says he’s ‘forced to recognize’ carbon tax ‘very unpopular’
- Bell: Danielle Smith calls their bluff, gets support from Team Canada
- DISGRACE: Hamas Held Hostages In Compounds Belonging To The United Nations
- Hamas held hostages in compounds belonging to the United Nations
- WARMINGTON: As America heads for a 'Golden Age,' Canada's windows and dreams are broken
- Feds Paid Carbon Tax Friends
- EDITORIAL: Trudeau can and must re-open Parliament
- Amazon closing Quebec warehouses, laying off 1,700 employees

- Canada’s population could reach 80M in 50 years, despite immigration cut: report
- York cops issue warning with staged-collision carjackings making comeback
- Kingston becomes latest Ontario city to declare food insecurity an emergency
- U.S. border agent shot dead in gunfight near Canadian border identified, dead civilian was German citizen
- Derrick Hunter: Don’t blame Alberta for the cracks in Team Canada (saved)
- Derrick Hunter: Don’t blame Alberta for the cracks in Team Canada
- Chris Selley: Liberals gave anti-Israel protesters everything, but they're still paying for it
- Historic cocaine bust in Ontario had ties to Mexican drug cartel, Toronto police say
- Man charged in Walmart fire at Square One that caused over $10 million in damage
- U.S. business groups warn CRTC's CanCon rules could worsen trade conflict
- TD Eyes Selling $9 Billion of Mortgages as It Faces Asset Cap
- Michael Higgins: Divisive Justin Trudeau is at it again
- Israeli intel indicates Hamas held hostages at new Gaza hospital as UN health agency criticized for inaction
- RCMP Black Hawk helicopters start patrolling Manitoba-U.S. border
- 3 suspects charged, 1 at large in connection with series of break-and-enters in GTA
- First Nations leader reconsidering stance on Northern Gateway pipeline after Trump’s tariff threats

- Canoo Files for Bankruptcy
- 'I am heartbroken': Lower Mainland craft brewery shutting down after four years
- Jewelry store robbed again in Mississauga mall
- U.S. border patrol agent killed near Canadian border
- Doctor loses court challenge over local hospital's COVID-19 vaccine rules
- Scotiabank joins major Canadian lenders quitting global climate coalition
- Police looking for four suspects involved in Guelph jewelry store robbery
- Anthony Furey: TDSB fails to read the room by doubling down on DEI
- Ottawa police searching for suspect in Kanata bank robbery
- Canadian Household Debt Accelerates As Mortgage Borrowing Returns
- Joe Adam George: Islamist group using Canada to plot caliphate schemes must be banned
- B.C. paramedics say staffing nears 'critical' levels, affecting response times
- 4 of Canada's biggest banks leave Mark Carney-led climate initiative
- Guilbeault ready to “replace” the carbon tax for individuals “with something else”
- More than 3,000 immigration department jobs to be cut, union says

- Bell: Danielle Smith stands firm, slams Trudeau as Trump takes power
- Canada-led proposal to end international fossil fuel financing dies with incoming Trump administration
- Trudeau has resigned, but his persecution of Canadians continues
- Trudeau has resigned, but his persecution of Canadians continues (saved)
- New version of bank scam making its rounds in Ontario
- NP View: The CBC exploits its unfair advantage
- Terry Newman: Chrystia Freeland proves she's unfit to lead
- GOLD: ‘No wonder nurses quit’: Really sick? Go to the ER at your own risk
- John Weissenberger: Canadian universities are rotten to the core
- EXCLUSIVE: A first look at Black Hawk helicopters to patrol Canada’s borders
- EYE ON CRIME: Police seek help locating a group of carjackers and a person making threats
- Protesters disrupt Chrystia Freeland's leadership launch speech as Joly endorses Carney
- Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly endorses Mark Carney for Liberal leader

- Leigh Revers: Universities are rebranding DEI, but the rot remains
- Conrad Black: Carney isn't an outsider — he's a dyed-in-the-wool liberal like Trudeau
- Judge agrees to expedite legal challenge of Trudeau's move to prorogue Parliament
- The Toronto region’s population has topped 7 million. Here is what you need to know
- Huge rent gap between cheapest, most expensive Vancouver neighbourhoods
- Canada bought Chinese drones that are unusable at the border
- Camilla Tominey - Prime Minister Carney? Canada deserves better than this progressive twerp

- Suspect in wild Toronto cop car crash has 75 criminal convictions: 'Beyond frustrated'
- Rural home invasion victims write of 'utter fear and vulnerability' as offender gets 10-year sentence
- COVID nurse offered cash to never apply for nursing job again
- Pat King apologizes for role in Freedom Convoy, faces sentencing next month
- Hudson's Bay lays off 41 staff while citing 'challenging headwinds'
- Carson Binda: Bungled procurement hurts taxpayers and the Canadian Armed Forces
- Posthaste: So long 'new normal.' The 'old normal' is back and that means higher interest rates
- LILLEY: Freeland and Carney run away, kind of, from carbon tax
- Mississauga man, 18, charged after 2 violent carjackings involving seniors
- Federal government cuts immigration next year
- Video shows driver of stolen Hummer ramming police cruisers in Toronto’s downtown core
- Montreal police asking people not to post photos of porch pirates online
- $3,000 Fed Grants For Gazans

- Bell: Danielle Smith is no traitor and neither are Albertans
- 24 EVs Were Driven In Freezing Weather Until They Died. One Car Stood Out
- Financial assistance for Gazans arriving in Canada now available
- Trudeau names ex-premiers, business and union reps to Canada-U.S. relations council
- He lost thousands in suspected fraud, then was told he was partly to blame
- Nearly 50,000 international students were "no-shows" at Canadian institutes
- David Staples: All the reasons why we can't trust Mark Carney to put Canada first
- Freeland to scrap consumer carbon tax if she becomes Liberal leader, to officially launch bid Sunday: source

- More than 74,000 Canadians have died on health-care wait lists since 2018: report
- EVs are now more expensive for Canadians
- Another arrest has been made in connection to fake Taylor Swift tickets being sold that cost victims $70,000
- Terry Newman: Mark Carney isn't who he says he is
- ‘Getting worse by the day’: These patients say they nearly died as they waited to get health care in Canada
- Sauvé: How to fix the CAF's recruitment and retention crisis
- Police searching for 3 suspects, getaway vehicle following smash-and-grab at Scarborough mall
- Black Hawk helicopters, drones are part of Canada’s new border security plan
- Nearly 50,000 foreign students listed as ‘no-shows’ by Canadian schools
- CTF calls on BC NDP to scrap carbon tax as government data shows policy not achieving intended result
- LILLEY: Trudeau still trying to anoint Carney as Liberal leader
- Rick Hillier: Justin Trudeau abandons Canada in its hour of need
- Refugee board refuses to deport alleged senior Iranian official

- Mandate Climate Insurance On Canadians: Gov’t Report
- Colby Cosh: Mark Carney's desecration of central bank neutrality
- Carson Jerema: Liberals to Trump — we'll destroy Canada for you
- Canada's income tax brackets have changed and here's what you'll pay in 2025
- Let’s legalize self-defence
- Braid: Smith has plan to stop feds from looting Alberta to pay for tariff crisis
- Auto groups want 100% EV sales goal scrapped after Ottawa nixes rebates early
- ‘Backhoe bandits’: N.L. mayor growing tired of ATM thefts
- Canada settles class-action lawsuit by military members who alleged racism in uniform
- Metro Vancouver can't absorb so many people so fast, says mayor and others
- Police charge ‘violent’ repeat offender after he allegedly restrained a man inside Mississauga home
- Conservatives demand Liberals tell CRA to stop collecting higher capital gains taxes
- Amy Hamm: Mark Zuckerburg is only pretending to care about free speech
- Manitoba nurses raise alarm to chaotic, unsustainable work conditions following man's death in waiting room
- Saskatchewan introduces border security measures as Trump tariffs loom
- B.C. COVID vaccination human rights case dismissed
- Metro Vancouver’s housing market worsens, now pricing out even high earners: report
- Hizb ut-Tahrir CANCELS Khilafah Conference following backlash
- Colby Cosh: Mark Carney's desecration of central bank neutrality
- Two people wanted for allegedly distracting senior to steal wallet at Whitby store

- John Ivison: Justin Trudeau left Canadians feeling like strangers in their own land
- RBC Branch Damaged in Overnight Break-In with Heavy Machinery
- Rental prices in Vancouver’s Butterfly tower shock, disgust neighbours
- Canadians' financial stress ramping up despite interest rate cuts: MNP
- Braid: Liberal oil export ban could be as bad as Trump tariffs
- ER staff should have helped, says Quebec man stranded outside hospital with sudden paralysis
- Ottawa Food Bank makes 'heartbreaking' cuts to food programs
- St. Boniface Street Links pushes for more hospital-designated beds at shelters after man's death in ER
- Several suspects charged after same Brampton home shot at 2 times: Peel police
- 7 men charged in connection with 2 shootings at same Brampton home
- Ontario Jewish business vandalized in attack that caused 'significant damage'
- Jewish organizations outraged after kosher restaurant location, office broken into
- Half of Canadians $200 or less away from not being able to pay bills: poll
- Food banks were never supposed to be permanent, CEO says
- Kirk LaPointe: Christy Clark's Liberal leadership bid faceplants on a fact check
- 60% of Canadian mortgage renewals to face higher rates by 2026: BoC
- Tenant removed from Ontario apartment after 4-year fight, and she owes $55K
- Why Are Canada’s Food Banks Collapsing?
- Transport Minister Anita Anand not running for Liberal leadership, won’t seek re-election

- Man given bail twice in one night in wake of violent assaults
- FIRST READING: The evidence for paid protesters in the Canadian anti-Israel camp
- Cost to mail a letter increases 25 per cent starting Monday
- Violent offender arrested after violating conditions of probation order
- Major study reveals plants now absorbing 30% more CO2 worldwide
- Canada’s $16.5B Carbon Capture Project In Jeopardy After Trudeau’s Resignation
- Raymond J. de Souza: Trudeau makes everyone's skin crawl
- “Hate” and the Islamic Onslaught on British Values: Part One
- “Hate” and the Islamic Onslaught on British Values: Part Two
- “Hate” and the Islamic Onslaught on British Values: Part Three

- Miranda Devine: We can’t let Mark Zuckerberg pass the buck on Meta’s censorship

- Sister of man who died waiting at Winnipeg ER feels relief, some closure after hearing from officials
- Woman charged after man found stabbed in burning Toronto apartment
- Fake e-transfer scam targeting residents in Ontario
- Vancouver ranks #1 most expensive city to rent an apartment in Canada
- KOOP: Hangover coming after Trudeau fiscal bender
- NP View: The age of Trudeau's censorship schemes is over
- GOLDSTEIN: Fixing Trudeau’s flawed climate change policies requires more than killing his carbon tax
- Justin Trudeau will leave behind a weaker nation
- Court upholds Rebel News fine over election advertising
- Ahead of Trump presidency, U.S. banks abandon Mark Carney climate initiative
- Conrad Black: Justin Trudeau is the worst Liberal leader in history
- The Never-Ending COVID Hype: Why Nobody’s Buying It Anymore
- U.K. imposes electronic travel authorizations for Canadians seeking to visit
- Right Dishonourable: Scandals that defined the Trudeau era
- Right Dishonourable: Scandals that defined the Trudeau era (saved)

- LILLEY: Trudeau's team goes all in on Carney while Clark implodes
- Ottawa Food Bank cutting food by 20-50 per cent to its agencies in 2025

- Hassan Diab, convicted of deadly synagogue bombing in France, will not teach at Carleton this semester
- FIRST READING: Why Ottawa still wants you to pay Trudeau’s zombie taxes
- Judge orders jail time for man who was a ‘voice of the protest’ in Coutts border blockade
- LILLEY: Carney campaign pushes back on Maxwell photos, says 'they are not friends'
- Media, public discouraged from questioning authority in 2019 federal program: Report
- So, We Were Right All Along: The Truth About Social Media Bias
- Silencing Helen Grus: How Media and Government Colluded to Crush Dissent
- Records show feds paid $369K to silence critics during COVID
- J.D. Tuccille: Across the West, arrogant woke leaders like Trudeau are in retreat
- Benjamin Bergen: Trudeau’s dithering on capital gains should be a bigger scandal
- Canada’s agri-food sector dodges a bullet as Parliament hits pause Farmers score big as Ottawa’s misguided policies fall by the wayside For farmers and stakeholders across the agri-food supply chain
- Canada pauses federal electric vehicle rebate
- Avi Benlolo: Canada has to stop tolerating the intolerant
- Adam Zivo: No, Trudeau did not make Canada richer
- Man who crashed through Kelowna homeless encampment while intoxicated will likely avoid jail time
- MEC to be sold for a second time in less than 5 years: source
- Feds issue new COVID vaccine guidance, says provinces now responsible for buying them
- New ranking suggests Canada passport among 'top 5 losers' in the world
- LILLEY: Carney campaign pushes back on Maxwell photos, says 'they are not friends'
- MARSDEN: Why does Musk get lambasted while Soros gets decorated?
- Detective who tried to save babies’ lives finds herself on trial instead

- Saskatoon Police warn public about buy-and-sell phishing scam
- WARMINGTON: Drug trafficker avoids jail until his co-accused wife delivers their baby
- Kingston city council could declare food insecurity an emergency
- Federal Liberals to announce new leader on March 9
- Crushing hospital debt, lotteries for family doctors paint picture of a health system under pressure
- Kelowna RCMP recover stolen car, vehicle key fob programming kit
- Company that processed plant-based milk linked to listeria permanently closes plants
- How London's homeless are surviving the snow as shelters at capacity
- How will Trump impose tariffs on Canada and others? His options, explained
- Mischievous critics register their pets as Liberals ahead of leadership vote
- Axing the carbon tax would reduce the price of gas a lot: analyst
- Jamie Sarkonak: The University of Alberta said it was ending DEI. That's not true
- Colby Cosh: We can't have nice downtowns with so many aggressive vagrants milling about

- Livio Di Matteo: Justin Trudeau’s disastrous economic legacy in six charts
- Livio Di Matteo: Justin Trudeau’s disastrous economic legacy in six charts (saved)

- Vancouver Mexican restaurant closed after just over a year
- Vancouver restaurant to close after landlord "exorbitantly" increased rent
- 'Time for a refresh': University of Alberta rebrands DEI policy to ACB
- Defence Minister Bill Blair commits $440 million in military assistance to Ukraine
- Act Was Violated Most Times
- Jamaican immigrant who fought deportation over robbery conviction now faces murder charge
- Has the Canadian left lost the Jewish community for good?

- Terror group to hold conference in Canada on Islamic caliphate, Sharia law
- How low could it go? Tracking the highs and lows of the Canadian dollar over 70 years
- NP View: Trudeau only ever cared about himself
- Mask mandate returns to B.C. healthcare facilities
- Victoria man arrested in Save-On-Foods for alleged pistol in his pocket Tuesday night
- IHIT confirms 2 found dead in Abbotsford car fire
- Ottawa police seek suspect in alleged New Year's Eve assault
- Major clothing retailer declares bankruptcy in Canada
- Another expensive court loss for anti-vaccine mandate lawyer
- Islamic conference coming to Ontario is guided by manifesto calling for 'jihad' and Muslim caliphate
- 150 workers terminated after Canada-based company behind listeria outbreak files for creditor protection
- Liberals used tax dollars to smear Conservatives, Freedom Convoy as 'far-right extremists'

- These international students are trying to find jobs. But a tight job market leaves them with few options
- Beware: New texting scam 'taking horrible advantage of people'
- Jesse Kline: Liberals want to let non-Canadians choose our next prime minister
- Canada could see a wave of mortgage renewals in 2025. Here is how some homeowners plan to navigate the payment shock.
- After over 20 years, a beloved Vancouver daytime restaurant is closing soon
- Canada posts nine straight months of trade deficit, surplus with US widens
- West-end Toronto break-ins leave small business owners worried
- 2 suspects wanted after six commercial break-ins: Toronto police
- Not a ‘snowball’s chance in hell’ of Canada becoming 51st state: Trudeau
- Canada aims to become world’s biggest uranium producer as demand soars
- How Canada's immigration debate soured - and helped seal Trudeau's fate
- Middle-aged man dies in Health Sciences Centre ER waiting room eight hours after arriving by ambulance
- Jamie Sarkonak: Good riddance to all the Liberal bills that Trudeau just culled
- Taxpayer cash used to fund $19.4M in partisan research, records show
- Alberta government signs new oil and gas agreement with Enbridge
- Convoy Cop Wins In Court
- Billed For Dirt On Opposition
- Guy Who Said Facebook Was Not Suppressing Free Speech Announces Facebook Will Stop Suppressing Free Speech

- Justin Trudeau’s Farewell Tour… One Last Kick in the Pants for Canada
- Opinion: Losing our identity one tax law at a time
- Verdicts expected March 12 in criminal trial of 'Freedom Convoy' organizers
- Five Arrests Made and 96 Charges Laid in an Elderly Distraction Theft Investigation, Two Male Suspects Still Outstanding,
Images Released

- ‘An organized operation:’ Toronto police say 5 suspects face dozens of charges in distraction thefts targeting elderly victims
- Feds Fund Pro-Lib Research
- Pierre Poilievre responds to Justin Trudeau's resignation: 'What has really changed?'
- RCMP name Chipman homicide victims found in burnt SUV
- Aurora man arrested for allegedly smuggling illegal 3D-made firearms
- Border officers arrest man accused of smuggling banned firearms into Canada
- Canadian Forces considering bonuses to keep soldiers from leaving: document
- Male, 13, charged in 4 Toronto robberies in one day
- Elon Musk questions Mississauga conference planned by banned Islamic group
- Police advise caution in buying and selling online after e-transfer scams reported
- David Staples: Trudeau takes a wrecking ball to Alberta and Canada right until the end
- Christopher Dummitt: Governor General betrays Constitution by letting Liberals escape Parliament
- Justin Trudeau's resignation speech in full
- Canada's embattled PM Justin Trudeau announces he will step down
- As it happened: Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau resigns as Liberal Party leader
- Windsor car theft suspect arrested in Essex
- 'Nothing has changed': Poilievre responds after Trudeau resigns as Liberal Party leader
- What does proroguing mean? Trudeau to step down, Parliament prorogued
- Tasha Kheiriddin: Justin Trudeau goes out blaming and betraying Canadians one more time
- Gov’t Finds Taxpayers Angry
- Moments before Trudeau's resignation speech, this awkward thing happened
- BREAKING: Trudeau announces resignation plan, will stay on as interim PM as he suspends Parliament
- Islamic group's conference urging return of Muslim caliphate and Shariah law brings call for adding it to terror list
- Christopher Dummitt: Governor General betrays Constitution by letting Liberals escape Parliament

- Auditor General, Conservatives criticize Agriculture Canada spending $223 million on climate change
- FBI probing New Orleans truck attacker’s travel, including 2023 trip to Ontario
- Letters: Trudeau MIA while 'Iron Lady' Smith defends Canada
- NP View: Canada's welfare state crumbles under the strain of irresponsible immigration
- Man responsible for New Year's truck attack previously visited New Orleans, Ontario, Egypt: FBI

- Howard Anglin: The Governor General should not allow Trudeau to prorogue to hold a full Liberal leadership race
- Police charge 2 Mississauga men with multiple firearms, drug-related charges
- Police search for suspects after jewelry store robbery at Burlington mall

- The Liberals' imagined plan to stave off electoral humiliation

- High schoolers prove DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID vax
- High schoolers prove DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID vax (saved)

- Special: DNA Contamination in Pfizer's Covid-19 Vaccines, Raising Cancer Concerns

- Liberal MPs, leftist media have meltdown over Jordan Peterson’s podcast with Poilievre
- LEDREW: Trudeau leads most incapable, misguided government in Canada's history
- 'I gave them a call, they didn't pick up': Canadian furniture store appears to have gone out of business
- B.C. bar owner, 66, convicted of sexually assaulting 21-year-old
- Adam Zivo: Alphabet soup acronyms are not helping the queer cause
- LEDREW: Trudeau leads most incapable, misguided government in Canada's history

- Islam’s Feminist Fantasy
- Family in B.C. earning just over $50,000 a year faces a marginal effective tax rate of 70% on any additional income
- WARMINGTON: Mississauga mayor says radical Islam conference not welcome
- Typical Burnaby single-family home value hits $2M: BC Assessment
- New fees introduced for inadmissible travellers to Canada
- 'Inadmissible' foreign nationals to pay more upon return to Canada: CBSA
- Canadian Banks See Mortgages In Arrears Climb Despite State Intervention
- Plant-milk packager tied to listeria outbreak plans to file for creditor protection
- Man sentenced for nearly $10K in retail thefts in Burnaby, Vancouver, Richmond
- MP recaps a year of holding the government to account
- David Staples: The end of Justin Trudeau's government in 2025 will bring on the rebirth of Canada
- Fraudsters posing as cops in caller ID phone scam, Toronto police warn
- Lion Electric temporarily reduces workforce amid CCAA proceedings
- Suspect wanted for attempted murder in East Gwillimbury shooting: YRP
- Ottawa to spend $400K to scrap Canadian Coast Guard ship destroyed by vandals six years ago
- Prison sentence cut in half for man who identifies as Métis
- Canada pauses permanent residency sponsorship applications for parents, grandparents
- New Canada laws and rules effective 2025 that you must know
- Family in B.C. earning just over $50,000 a year faces a marginal effective tax rate of 70% on any additional income
- Kelly McParland: Trudeau skis while his party unites in calls for his resignation
- Why are new homes so expensive? This report says don't blame the developers
- Peter MacKinnon: A stark warning about the state of Canadian academia
- Ottawa mayor makes preheating cars illegal
- Afghan Flight Remains Secret
- Western premiers OUTRAGED as equalization payments hit record $26.2 billion
- Western premiers call for a 'better deal' as equalization payments hit record $26.2B

- COVID-19 mandatory vaccination lawsuit against Ottawa moving ahead
- Much-loved Metro Vancouver cafe has closed its doors
- Gas prices are about to go up in Canada
- 'They need to be kept safe': B.C. funds women's winter shelter in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
- Woman robbed at gunpoint while using ATM in Richmond, B.C., RCMP say
- Matthew Lau: Federal tax policy will not be kind to Canadians in 2025
- Athabasca 'chop shop' bust yields millions in stolen vehicles, heavy equipment: RCMP
- Vancouver-based Hothead Games files for bankruptcy
- Geoff Russ: Liberal excuses for their unpopularity fall as flat as their poll numbers
- J.K. Rowling saved western civilization
- These are the new tax brackets for Canadians in 2025
- Richmond RCMP seek suspect who allegedly robbed woman at gunpoint
- Conservatives call for investigation into whether Carney benefiting from role in Trudeau government
- Poilievre attacks 'wackos' running Canada in new mini-movie
- CBC executives frustrated by media coverage of $14.9 million executive bonuses
- Designated terrorist group to host Islamic supremacy conference in Mississauga
- Fevered toddler waits 14 hours in Victoria emergency room
- Former Liberal cabinet minister Marco Mendicino won't seek re-election
- Quebec government injects $24 million into an organization linked to the Desmarais

- Hiring by the federal government in excess of population growth cost taxpayers $7.5 billion in 2022/23
- Canada to increase deportation fees to $12,800 for escorted removals starting April 2025
- Identity thieves open credit cards, spend $12K-plus: Salmon Arm RCMP
- Amy Hamm: As the Trudeau government crumbles, Canadians can expect a better year to come
- B.C. man who assaulted bus drivers gets conditional sentence
- Changes to your taxes in 2025: At the pump, at home and on your paycheque
- Burnaby restaurant placed on lock down after reports of a man with a gun: RCMP
- New tax laws require web platforms to report gig workers' income to CRA
- OPINION: Solar and wind power make electricity more expensive
- Durham police identify man killed in Oshawa shooting
- Man threatens to shoot Holt Renfrew staff during attempted armed robbery: VPD
- Will it be easier or harder for Canadians to buy a home in 2025?
- 'Jack Layton is turning over in his grave': Ousted New Democrat decries party's antisemitism problem
- New Year brings new fees, taxes, and utility rates for British Columbians
- Bell: What is Trudeau waiting for? Just leave!
- Civil liberties group outlines five legal cases to watch in 2025

January 2025

News Articles 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025

- Canada’s violent crime rate 14.0% higher than U.S. in 2022, and rising; property crime rate 27.5% higher
- Canada’s median health-care wait time hits 30 weeks—longest ever recorded
- Lack of affordable housing stretches area women's shelter to the brink
- Woman arrested after fib to police, RCMP say
- People forced to sleep in plastic chairs in overcrowded shelter system
- Braid: Extinction in Parliament is now a real threat to Liberals under Justin Trudeau
- Excavator used to remove ATM from North York bank
- Did your household debt grow in 2024?
- ‘Harsh reality’: Ontario food bank use reaches record highs
- Downtown Edmonton Italian restaurant Dalla Tavola Zenari closes after 40 years
- Stéphane Sérafin: Defunding threats will not be enough to rid universities of systemic wokeism
- Raymond J. de Souza: Freeland shows the pen is still mightier than the sword
- Nelson: Rule of law under assault in Canada
- CRIMESCENE: Man accused of trafficking 15-year-old girl
- Police looking for two men and two women wanted in alleged theft at Scarborough business
- Braid: Extinction in Parliament is now a real threat to Liberals under Justin Trudeau

- West Vancouver Police Warn of Increased Break and Enters
- Eight Albertans charged with stealing copper wire from oil and gas sites after RCMP sting involving surveillance plane
- Four suspects sought in Scarborough distraction theft
- Two Arrested After Break-and-Enter in Whitby
- Man charged after nurse attacked and seriously injured at B.C. hospital
- Repeat B.C. offender pleads guilty to sexually assaulting person under 16
- Border agents seize $2M worth of cocaine bound for Canada at Coutts
- Hamilton-area bank robber flees on foot after bike stolen during failed robbery
- BEST OF 2024: Jordan Peterson on why everyone should be afraid of what happened to him — Full Comment Podcast
- Ottawa-funded social justice research isn't science
- Thieves use hammers to rob 2 Toronto stores within minutes, 3 arrested, police say
- 3 arrested after 5 suspects armed with hammers rob Fairview Mall jewelry store: Toronto police

- "It's so expensive here": Filipino tourist gets real about the cost of living in Canada
- Police called to Surrey, B.C., pub after 'large fight' and shooting
- Kevin O'Leary is on a mission to revive Canada and he's starting in Alberta
- Jamie Sarkonak: Police associations have had it with Trudeau — to the left's disdain

- Six times the legacy media failed at their jobs in 2024
- Oil Demand Stays Strong Despite EV Surge
- Canadian military fears maintenance issues will plague equipment sent to Latvia
- Police in Chilliwack seek help after up to 25 guns stolen from home
- Trudeau told to "Get the f*ck out" at Canadian ski hill

- Calgary business out nearly $5,000 after alleged refund fraud
- RCMP seek witnesses: 79-year-old man assaulted on BC Ferries ride
- B.C. is experiencing a mining permitting crisis, and local communities will suffer
- Slew of charges laid in fatal multi-vehicle Boxing Day collision
- Kevin O'Leary says he wants to talk to Trump about a U.S.-Canada 'economic union'
- ‘We cannot forget who put us in this mess’: The Roundtable on Justin Trudeau’s uncertain political future
- B.C. man who flipped 14 homes in four years is fined $2M for tax evasion
- Trudeau’s top ministers at Mar-a-Lago to discuss border security
- Leigh Revers: Universities better get prepared for Poilievre's anti-woke agenda
- Kevin O’Leary talks up the country that ‘took the best from all around the world,' claiming it's 'where the money is'
- Police identify victim of Christmas Day homicide in Hintonburg, charge suspect
- This was 2024 in Richmond: Top court and crime stories

- Government of Canada plane lands in Kelowna as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spends time in B.C.
- ‘Skyrocketing’ carbon tax expenses concern PSSD trustee
- Economists say more room to fall as Canadian dollar continues downward trend
- Michael Taube: Our long national Trudeau nightmare is almost over
- Michael Taube: Our long national Trudeau nightmare is almost over (saved)

- Adam Zivo: Drug addicts don't have a right to fill parks with needles and faeces
- One-third of Canadians borrow to cover basic expenses
- Trudeau tells Canadians to ‘put our politics aside’ in Christmas message

- Former Liberal MP says Trudeau destroyed Liberal party brand 
- Trudeau appointee says Islamophobia responsible for German Christmas market attack by Saudi refugee
- Jamie Sarkonak: Poilievre’s very normal take on males in female prisons
- Warrants issued for 'dangerous' Edmonton man in sexual assault case
- Court hits pause on global streamers’ upcoming Canadian content payments
- Canadian Household Debt Outpaces GDP As Mortgage Borrowing Returns
- Police seek six suspects after Markham financial institution and customers robbed at gunpoint
- Terry Newman: Poilievre's plan to 'defund' woke antisemitism can't come soon enough
- Economists say more room to fall as Canadian dollar continues downward trend
- Troops say quality of life is dropping, according to new DND report
- Economists warn of ‘perfect storm’ hitting weak Canadian dollar as 2025 looms
- Woman wants to warn other seniors about 'Canada Post' scam
- Local hospital workers who refused COVID vaccine lose court battle
- LILLEY: Canadians ready to move on as Trudeau clings to power
- Toronto mayor wants to shell out $1,000 per month rent subsidies for migrants

- No males in female prisons, Poilievre vows
- 10 suspects charged after police find three kidnapping victims inside Brampton home
- ERs used as warming centres by Ontario’s homeless residents with nowhere else to go
- Local hospitals reintroduce emergency department wait time clocks
- CRISIS: Canadians spend $75 million per day on national debt interest
- Surrey family says home shot up with pellet guns as bullies target teen son
- Guns found in search after teen threatens York Region high school: police
- Bank of Canada to trim rates four more times: What economists say about GDP
- Bank of Canada’s big rate cut was a ‘close call,’ minutes show
- China takes steps against Canada institutions, individuals over Uyghurs, Tibet
- Police release images of vehicle involved in shooting outside London Hospital
- A code silver was called after shooting at London's ER. Nurses say they weren't trained to respond
- Canadian film industry putting high hopes on low dollar, hoping to entice Hollywood projects
- Kelowna Brewing Company closes after 5 years in business
- This boy hurt in collision didn't have an Indian status card, so Ottawa wouldn't pay for medical evacuation
- Trudeau’s taking you all down with him: Full Comment podcast
- CBC boss tops 'Taxpayer Naughty List' for lavish executive bonuses

- Workers helping the homeless in Montreal feel powerless as crisis deepens
- This Week’s Top Stories: Canadian Mortgage Relief Measures Soar, & Jobless Population 2x Vacancies
- MORGAN: But what of the deficit?
- Israeli and Canadian officials clash over whether Canada is safe for Jews
- Letters: Trudeau and his Liberals hang on for dear life
- 1 injured in Rexdale jewelry store robbery
- Loaded gun seized in well-being check
- Soaring demand forces Edmonton's Food Bank to tighten restrictions on client visits
- Barbara Kay: The Muslim leaders who honourably stand up to antisemitism
- Drug superlabs leave a toxic mess. Some say B.C.’s cleanup rules are a mess, too

- KINSELLA: Justin Trudeau finally sees the jig is up
- 'When the doubters are loudest, that’s when we’re winning: The imagined thoughts of Justin Trudeau
- Trump takes aim at Canada and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
- Beloved Yaletown restaurant closes after 25 years due to rising cost
- Kelowna's apartment vacancy rate triples
- TERRAZZANO: Trudeau drives through budget guardrail, sends finances off cliff
- GOLDSTEIN: What, other than ego, makes Trudeau think he can win?
- Colby Cosh: Assisted suicide — Canada's latest solution to loneliness
- Conrad Black: Time's up for Trudeau's thin policy gruel
- Tom Mulcair: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's train wreck of a final act
- German Christmas market attack kills five, injures 200
- Saudi man arrested following German market attack
- Overheated immigration system needed 'discipline' infusion: minister

- Most Canadians now want early election as Trudeau support drops again: poll
- David Staples: Poilievre's knockout speech signals historic 2025 defeat for Liberals, whoever leads them
- They came to Canada on a holiday and started committing crimes the next day
- Amy Hamm: Trudeau is the furthest thing from a feminist